function theme_views_fluidgrid_display_item in Views Fluid Grid - jQuery Masonry 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7 views_fluidgrid.module \theme_views_fluidgrid_display_item()
Only returns true the first time it's called for an id
$id: A uniqe view id.
Return value
bool TRUE for the first time called for a given $id FALSE for each time after that
- ./
views_fluidgrid.module, line 72 - Provide a fluid grid display style for Views.
function theme_views_fluidgrid_display_item($id) {
static $display = array();
if (!isset($display[$id])) {
$display[$id] = FALSE;
$output = $display[$id];
if ($display[$id] == FALSE) {
$display[$id] = TRUE;
return $output;