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function views_fieldsets_theme_registry_alter in Views fieldsets 7.2

Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().


./views_fieldsets.module, line 51
Hooks, helpers and theming for the Views Fieldsets module.


function views_fieldsets_theme_registry_alter(&$registry) {
  foreach ($registry as $hook => &$info) {

    // Splice in our generic preprocessor for all fieldset types.
    if (strpos($hook, 'views_fieldsets_') === 0 && isset($info['views_fieldsets_label'])) {

      // It must come directly after 'template_preprocess', or first if that doesn't exist.
      $index = array_search('template_preprocess', $info['preprocess functions']);
      if ($index !== FALSE) {
        array_splice($info['preprocess functions'], $index + 1, 0, '_template_preprocess_views_fieldsets');
      else {
        array_unshift($info['preprocess functions'], '_template_preprocess_views_fieldsets');