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public function views_handler_filter_dynamic_fields::value_form in Views Dynamic Fields 7

Provide a list of all fields that are for display.

Overrides views_handler_filter::value_form


handlers/, line 194
Views dynamic fields filter handler.


Simple filter to pick and choose the fields to show in the view.


public function value_form(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // All the non-permanently excluded fields of the view that we will display
  // in the exposed filter.
  $all_fields = array();

  // Just the names of all the non-permanently excluded fields.
  $field_names = array();
  $view_fields = $this->view_fields;
  $combined_fields = $this->combined_fields;

  // The final fields that are part of the filter after going through a
  // pruning process.
  $displayed_field_names = array();
  $filterable_fields = array_filter($this->options['filterable_fields']);
  $defaults_filterable_fields = array_filter($this->options['defaults_filterable_fields']);

  // Create fields to be displayed as part of the filter.
  foreach ($view_fields as $field_name => $field) {

    // Apply filterable fields options removing any field not in the set of
    // filterable fields.
    if (!empty($filterable_fields) && !isset($filterable_fields[$field_name])) {
    if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->view->name]['perm_exc']) && isset($field['exclude']) && $field['exclude']) {

      // Fields already marked as 'exclude from display' in the original
      // view should be omitted.
      $_SESSION[$this->view->name]['perm_exc'][$field_name] = $field_name;
    if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->view->name]['perm_exc'][$field_name])) {

      // Use the field id as label if label is empty
      // @see
      if (empty($field['label'])) {
        $all_fields[$field_name] = ucfirst($field['id']);
      else {
        $all_fields[$field_name] = $field['label'];
      $field_names[] = $field_name;

      // Get fields to display in the plain (unfiltered) view.
      if (isset($defaults_filterable_fields[$field_name]) && $defaults_filterable_fields[$field_name] == $field_name) {
        $field_names_defaults[$field_name] = $field_name;

  // Also add any combined fields to the default fields to display
  // as configured.
  foreach ($combined_fields as $c_parent => $c_child) {
    if ($defaults_filterable_fields[$c_parent] == $c_parent) {
      $field_names_defaults[$c_parent] = $c_parent;

  // Initialize the permanent exclusion array if not set.
  if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->view->name]['perm_exc'])) {
    $_SESSION[$this->view->name]['perm_exc'] = array();

  // Display all the filter fields in the plain view if no explicit.
  // defaults are set in the view.
  $field_names_defaults = empty($field_names_defaults) ? $all_fields : $field_names_defaults;
  if ($form_state['exposed']) {

    // Get submitted filter data if any.
    $exposed_input = $this->view
    if (isset($exposed_input[$this->options['expose']['identifier']])) {
      $exposed_input_fields = $exposed_input[$this->options['expose']['identifier']];
      $exposed_field_names = isset($exposed_input['field_names']) ? unserialize($exposed_input['field_names']) : $field_names;
    $this->options['expose']['multiple'] = $this->options['checkboxes'];

    // If checkboxes has not been enabled, display the fields in as
    // select list / drop down.
    if (!$this->options['checkboxes']) {
      $form['value'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#no_convert' => $this->options['checkboxes'],
        '#title' => $this->options['expose']['label'] ? $this->options['expose']['label'] : t('Fields'),
        '#options' => $all_fields,
        '#description' => $this->options['description'] ? check_plain($this->options['description']) : t('Select the field to display in the view'),
      $displayed_field_names = $field_names;
    else {

      // For a view that has already been filtered by the user.
      if (!empty($exposed_input_fields)) {
        $delta = count($exposed_input_fields);
        $key = 0;

        // Regenerate the sortable table.
        foreach ($exposed_input_fields as $oldid => $oldvalue) {
          $def_check = isset($oldvalue['check']) && $oldvalue['check'] || empty($all_fields[$exposed_field_names[$oldid]]);
          $def_sort = $oldvalue['sort'] ? $oldvalue['sort'] : $key;
          $def_disabled = empty($all_fields[$exposed_field_names[$oldid]]);
          $def_title = '';
          if (isset($all_fields[$exposed_field_names[$oldid]]) && !empty($all_fields[$exposed_field_names[$oldid]])) {
            $def_title = $all_fields[$exposed_field_names[$oldid]];
          else {
            if (empty($view_fields[$exposed_field_names[$oldid]]['label'])) {
              $def_title = ucfirst($view_fields[$exposed_field_names[$oldid]]['id']);
            else {
              $def_title = $view_fields[$exposed_field_names[$oldid]]['label'];
          $def_desc = empty($all_fields[$exposed_field_names[$oldid]]) ? t('Visible') : '';
          $form['value'][$key]['check'] = array(
            '#type' => 'checkbox',
            '#value' => $def_check,
            // Set field to hidden style rather than disabling them.
            // @see
            // notes: disabled attribute prevents the item to be submitted
            //        readonly attribute only protects the checkbox value and
            //        not its status (checked/unchecked) so we don't use it
            // @see
            '#attributes' => $def_disabled ? array(
              'style' => 'visibility: hidden',
            ) : '',
            '#description' => check_plain($def_desc),
          $form['value'][$key]['title'] = array(
            '#markup' => $def_title,
          $form['value'][$key]['sort'] = array(
            '#type' => 'weight',
            '#delta' => $delta,
            '#value' => $def_sort,
            '#default_value' => $def_sort,
          $displayed_field_names[] = $exposed_field_names[$oldid];
      else {
        $delta = count($view_fields) - count($combined_fields);
        $key = 0;

        // Create the sortable table.
        foreach ($view_fields as $field_title => $field_info) {

          // Skip over permanently excluded fields.
          if (isset($field_info['exclude']) && $field_info['exclude']) {

          // Display only default filterable fields
          // if there is no exposed input.
          $def_check = in_array($field_title, array_keys($field_names_defaults)) || empty($all_fields[$field_title]);
          $def_sort = $key;
          $def_desc = empty($all_fields[$field_title]) ? t('Visible') : '';
          $def_disabled = empty($all_fields[$field_title]);
          $def_title = '';
          if (isset($all_fields[$field_title]) && !empty($all_fields[$field_title])) {
            $def_title = $all_fields[$field_title];
          else {
            if (empty($view_fields[$field_title]['label'])) {
              $def_title = ucfirst($view_fields[$field_title]['id']);
            else {
              $def_title = $view_fields[$field_title]['label'];
          $form['value'][$key]['check'] = array(
            '#type' => 'checkbox',
            '#value' => $def_check,
            // Set field to hidden style rather than disabling them.
            // @see
            // notes: disabled attribute prevents the item to be submitted
            //        readonly attribute only protects the checkbox value and
            //        not its status (checked/unchecked) so we don't use it
            // @see
            '#attributes' => $def_disabled ? array(
              'style' => 'visibility: hidden',
            ) : '',
            '#description' => check_plain($def_desc),
          $form['value'][$key]['title'] = array(
            '#markup' => $def_title,
          $form['value'][$key]['sort'] = array(
            '#type' => 'weight',
            '#delta' => $delta,
            '#default_value' => $def_sort,
          $displayed_field_names[] = $field_title;

      // Theme the draggable sort table.
      $form['value']['#theme'] = 'views_dynamic_fields_sort_filter_fields';
    $form['value']['#tree'] = TRUE;
    $form['value']['#title'] = $this->options['expose']['label'] ? $this->options['expose']['label'] : t('Fields');

    // Store the fields being displayed in the filter for use
    // as form data when processing filter submissions.
    $form['field_names'] = array(
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#value' => serialize($displayed_field_names),
    $form['combined'] = array(
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#value' => serialize($combined_fields),
      '#weight' => 9,
    if ($this->options['reverse']) {
      $form['reverse'] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#default_value' => $this->options['reverse'],
        '#title' => $this->options['reverse_label'] ? $this->options['reverse_label'] : t('Selected fields will be excluded'),
        '#description' => t('Check this to exclude the selected fields from the view.'),
  else {

    // Ensure there is something in the 'value'.
    $form['value'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => NULL,