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Files in Views Dynamic Fields 7

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Journal 7.x-1.x-dev, 2014-11-12 ------------------------------- Current Development Snapshot for 7.x branch Fixed: - #2368771 Always-visible field without a checkbox - #2327893 Header sortable table translatable - #2303017 Works great with Field…
README.txt README.txt SUMMARY ------- The Views Dynamic Fields module provides a filter for use with Views module. This filter allows the user to pick and choose which fields to display for a rendered instance of a view for that user. This provides a customized… name = Views Dynamic Fields description = Be able to pick and choose fields to display in your view e.g. for custom reports package = Views dependencies[] = views dependencies[] = views_ui dependencies[] = ctools core = 7.x ; Views handlers files[] =…
views_dynamic_fields.module views_dynamic_fields.module Registers a views filter. handlers/ Views dynamic fields filter handler.

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