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function template_preprocess_views_views_xml_style_raw in Views Datasource 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 theme/ \template_preprocess_views_views_xml_style_raw()

@file View template to render view fields as XML.

  • $view: The view in use.
  • $rows: Array of row objects as rendered by _views_json_render_fields
  • $attachment: not used currently
  • $options: The options for the style passed in from the UI.

See also


views/theme/, line 15
View template to render view fields as XML.


function template_preprocess_views_views_xml_style_raw(&$vars) {
  $view = $vars["view"];
  $rows = $vars["rows"];
  $options = $vars["options"];
  $base = $view->base_table;
  $root = $options['root_element'];
  $endroot = preg_replace("/\\s+.*/", "", $root);
  $top_child_object = $options["top_child_object"];
  $end_top_child_object = preg_replace("/\\s+.*/", "", $top_child_object);
  $plaintext_output = $options["plaintext_output"];
  $vars["content_type"] = $options['content_type'] == 'default' ? 'text/xml' : $options['content_type'];
  $header = $options['header'];
  $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
  if ($header) {
    $xml .= $header . "\n";
  $xml .= "<{$root}>\n";
  foreach ($rows as $row) {
    $xml .= $options['element_output'] == 'nested' ? "  <{$top_child_object}>\n" : "  <{$top_child_object}\n";
    foreach ($row as $id => $object) {
      if ($options['field_output'] == 'normal') {
        if ($object->label) {
          $label = _views_xml_strip_illegal_xml_name_chars(check_plain(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($object->label))));
        else {
          $label = _views_xml_strip_illegal_xml_name_chars(check_plain(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($id))));
        if (!$object->is_multiple) {
          $content = $plaintext_output ? check_plain(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($object->content))) : _views_xml_xmlEntities($object->content);
        else {
          $content = array();
          foreach ($object->content as $n => $oc) {
            $content[$n] = $plaintext_output ? check_plain(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($oc))) : _views_xml_xmlEntities($oc);
      elseif ($options['field_output'] == 'raw') {
        $label = _views_xml_strip_illegal_xml_name_chars(check_plain(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($id))));
        if (!$object->is_multiple) {
          $content = $plaintext_output ? check_plain(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($object->raw))) : _views_xml_xmlEntities($object->raw);
        else {
          foreach ($object->raw as $n => $oc) {
            $content[$n] = $plaintext_output ? check_plain(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($oc))) : _views_xml_xmlEntities($oc);
      $endlabel = preg_replace("/\\s+.*/", "", $label);
      if ($options['element_output'] == 'nested') {
        if (!is_array($content)) {
          $xml .= "    <{$label}>" . ($options['escape_as_CDATA'] == 'yes' ? "<![CDATA[{$content}]]>" : $content) . "</{$endlabel}>\n";

        else {
          foreach ($content as $c) {
            $xml .= "    <{$label}>";
            $xml .= "" . ($options['escape_as_CDATA'] == 'yes' ? "<![CDATA[{$c}]]>" : $c . "");
            $xml .= "</{$endlabel}>\n";
      elseif ($options['element_output'] == 'attributes') {
        if (!is_array($content)) {
          $content = _views_xml_strip_illegal_xml_attribute_value_chars($content);
          $xml .= " {$label}=\"{$content}\" ";
        else {
          foreach ($content as $n => $c) {
            $c = _views_xml_strip_illegal_xml_attribute_value_chars($c);
            $label = _views_xml_strip_illegal_xml_name_chars($label);
            $xml .= " {$label}{$n}=\"{$c}\" ";
    $xml .= $options['element_output'] == 'nested' ? "  </{$end_top_child_object}>\n" : "/>\n";
  $xml .= "</{$endroot}>\n";
  $vars["xml"] = $xml;