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views-views-rdf-style-sioc.tpl.php in Views Datasource 7

views-views-rdf-style-sioc.tpl.php Default template for the Views RDF style plugin using the SIOC vocabulary


  • $view: The View object.
  • $rows: Array of row objects as rendered by _views_xml_render_fields
  • $nodes, $users Array of user and node objects created by template_preprocess_views_views_rdf_style_sioc


View source

 * @file views-views-rdf-style-sioc.tpl.php
 * Default template for the Views RDF style plugin using the SIOC vocabulary
 * Variables:
 * - $view: The View object.
 * - $rows: Array of row objects as rendered by _views_xml_render_fields
 * - $nodes, $users Array of user and node objects created by template_preprocess_views_views_rdf_style_sioc
 * @ingroup views_templates
global $base_url;
$content_type = $options['content_type'] == 'default' ? 'application/rdf+xml' : $options['content_type'];
if (!$header) {

  //build our own header
  $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
  $xml .= '<!-- generator="Drupal Views Datasource Module" -->' . "\n";
  $xml .= "<rdf:RDF\r\n";
  $xml .= "  xmlns:rdf=\"\"\r\n";
  $xml .= "  xmlns:rdfs=\"\"\r\n";
  $xml .= "  xmlns:sioc=\"\"\r\n";
  $xml .= "  xmlns:sioct=\"\"\r\n";
  $xml .= "  xmlns:dc=\"\"\r\n";
  $xml .= "  xmlns:dcterms=\"\"\r\n";
  $xml .= "  xmlns:admin=\"\"\r\n";
  $xml .= "  xmlns:foaf=\"\">\r\n";
if ($users) {
  if (!$nodes) {

    //Document is about users
    $xml .= "<foaf:Document rdf:about=\"" . url($view->name, array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )) . "\">\n";
    $xml .= "  <dc:title>SIOC user profiles for: " . variable_get('site_name', 'drupal') . "</dc:title>\n";
    $xml .= "  <dc:description>\n";
    $xml .= "    A User is an online account of a member of an online community. ";
    $xml .= "It is connected to Items and Posts that a User creates or edits, ";
    $xml .= "to Containers and Forums that it is subscribed to or moderates and ";
    $xml .= "to Sites that it administers. Users can be grouped for purposes of ";
    $xml .= "allowing access to certain Forums or enhanced community site features (weblogs, webmail, etc.).";
    $xml .= "A foaf:Person will normally hold a registered User account on a Site ";
    $xml .= "(through the property foaf:holdsAccount), and will use this account ";
    $xml .= "to create content and interact with the community. sioc:User describes ";
    $xml .= "properties of an online account, and is used in combination with a ";
    $xml .= "foaf:Person (using the property sioc:account_of) which describes ";
    $xml .= "information about the individual itself.\n";
    $xml .= "  </dc:description>\n";
    $xml .= "####foaf_topics####\n";
    $xml .= "  <admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource=\"\"/>\n";
    $xml .= "</foaf:Document>\n";
    foreach ($users as $user) {
      $uid = $user["uid"];
      $user_name = $user["name"];
      $email = $user["mail"];
      $xml .= "<foaf:Person rdf:about=\"" . url('user/' . $uid, array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      )) . "\">\n";
      $xml .= "  <foaf:name>{$user_name}</foaf:name>\n";
      $xml .= "  <foaf:mbox_sha1sum>" . md5('mailto:' . $email) . "</foaf:mbox_sha1sum>\n";
      $xml .= "  <foaf:holdsAccount>\n";
      $xml .= "    <sioc:User rdf:nodeID=\"{$uid}\">\n";
      $xml .= "      <sioc:name>{$user_name}</sioc:name>\n";
      $xml .= "      <sioc:email rdf:resource=\"mailto:{$email}\"/>\n";
      $xml .= "      <sioc:email_sha1>" . md5('mailto:' . $email) . "</sioc:email_sha1>\n";
      $xml .= "      <sioc:link rdf:resource=\"" . url('user/' . $uid, array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      )) . "\" rdfs:label=\"{$user_name}\"/>\n";
      $roles = array();
      $roles_query = db_query("SELECT AS name, r.rid AS rid FROM {users_roles} ur, {role} r WHERE ur.uid = %d AND ur.rid = r.rid", $uid);
      while ($role = db_fetch_object($roles_query)) {
        $roles[$role->rid] = $role->name;
      if (count($roles) > 0) {
        $xml .= "      <sioc:has_function>\n";
        foreach ($roles as $rid => $name) {
          $xml .= "        <sioc:Role><rdfs:label><![CDATA[{$name}]]></rdfs:label></sioc:Role>\n";
        $xml .= "      </sioc:has_function>\n";
      $xml .= "    </sioc:User>\n";
      $xml .= "  </foaf:holdsAccount>\n";
      $xml .= "</foaf:Person>\n";
if ($nodes) {
  $users_xml = "";
  $nodes_xml = "";
  $users_done = array();
  $count = 0;
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    if (array_key_exists("id", $node) && array_key_exists("title", $node) && array_key_exists("type", $node) && array_key_exists("created", $node) && array_key_exists("changed", $node) && array_key_exists("last_updated", $node) && array_key_exists("uid", $node) && array_key_exists("body", $node)) {
      if (array_key_exists($node["id"], $users) && !array_key_exists($node["uid"], $users_done)) {
        $user = $users[$node["id"]];
        $users_done[$node["uid"]] = $user;
        $users_xml .= _views_rdf_sioc_xml_user_render($user);
      $nodes_xml .= _views_rdf_sioc_xml_story_render($node["id"], $node["title"], $node["type"], $node["created"], $node["changed"], $node["last_updated"], $node["uid"], $node["body"]);
    else {
      $nid = $node["id"];
      $nodes_xml .= "<missing> node {$nid} is missing one or more of the id, title, type, created, changed, last_updated, uid, or body attributes.</missing>";

      //      if ($view->override_path)
      //        print '<b style="color:red">One of the id, title, type, created, changed, lasty_updated, uid, and body attributes is missing.</b>';
      //      elseif ($options['using_views_api_mode'])
      //        print "One of the id, title, type, created, changed, lasty_updated, uid, and body attributes is missing.";
      //      else drupal_set_message(t('One of the id, title, type, created, changed, lasty_updated, uid, and body attributes is missing.'), 'error');
      //      return;


$xml .= $users_xml . $nodes_xml;
$xml .= "</rdf:RDF>\n";
if ($view->override_path) {

  // inside live preview
  print htmlspecialchars($xml);
elseif ($options['using_views_api_mode']) {

  // We're in Views API mode.
  print $xml;
else {
  drupal_add_http_header("Content-Type", "{$content_type}; charset=utf-8");
  print $xml;


Namesort descending Description
$base_url @file views-views-rdf-style-sioc.tpl.php Default template for the Views RDF style plugin using the SIOC vocabulary