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global $base_url in Views Datasource 6

Same name in this branch
  1. 6 theme/views-views-rdf-style-foaf.tpl.php \base_url
  2. 6 theme/views-views-xml-style-atom.tpl.php \base_url
  3. 6 theme/views-views-rdf-style-sioc.tpl.php \base_url
  4. 6 theme/views-views-rdf-style-doap.tpl.php \base_url
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 views/theme/views-views-rdf-style-foaf.tpl.php \base_url
  2. 7 views/theme/views-views-xml-style-atom.tpl.php \base_url
  3. 7 views/theme/views-views-rdf-style-sioc.tpl.php \base_url
  4. 7 views/theme/views-views-rdf-style-doap.tpl.php \base_url

@file views-views-rdf-style-doap.tpl.php Default template for the Views RDF style plugin using the DOAP vocabulary


  • $view: The View object.
  • $rows: Array of row objects as rendered by _views_rdf_render_fields
  • $projects Array of project objects as created by template_preprocess_views_views_rdf_style_doap


theme/views-views-rdf-style-doap.tpl.php, line 13
views-views-rdf-style-doap.tpl.php Default template for the Views RDF style plugin using the DOAP vocabulary


global $base_url;