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function views_content_cache_nodequeue_sort_alter in Views content cache 6.2

Implementation of hook_nodequeue_sort_alter().


./views_content_cache.module, line 81
Views content cache cache.


function views_content_cache_nodequeue_sort_alter($nodes, $sqid) {

   * In Nodequeue 6.2.11 this changed from a module hook invoked
   * via module_invoke_all() to a drupal alter hook invoked
   * via drupal_alter(). In this change the parameter order was
   * swapped so the logic below attempts to handle both the old
   * and new versions of Nodequeue.

  // Pre 6.2.11
  if (!is_array($nodes) && is_numeric($nodes)) {
    $tmp = $sqid;
    $sqid = $nodes;
    $nodes = $tmp;
  $subqueue = nodequeue_load_subqueue($sqid);
  views_content_cache_update_set($subqueue, 'nodequeue');