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function views_content_cache_id_schema in Views content cache 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 views_content_cache.module \views_content_cache_id_schema()

Retrieve or generate the cache id to schema mapping.

We store the schema mapping in the main cache table/bin, this means that it can get invalidated quite quickly, but this will also probably coincide with the views cache being flushed, so we're are just wasting a few CPU cycles in reality.


boolean $reset: Reset the static and DB cache for the schema mapping.

Return value

array An array where each key is a plugin key ID and each value is the corresponding database column.

2 calls to views_content_cache_id_schema()
views_content_cache_and_or_key_get in ./views_content_cache.module
Determine how this cache segment should be combined with others.
views_content_cache_id_record in ./views_content_cache.module
Convert a cache id to an update record suitable for drupal_write_record() or use in a SELECT query.


./views_content_cache.module, line 307
Views content cache cache.


function views_content_cache_id_schema($reset = FALSE) {
  static $map;
  if (!isset($map) || $reset) {
    $cache = cache_get('views_content_cache_id_schema');
    if (!$reset && !empty($cache->data)) {
      $map = $cache->data;
    else {
      $cache_keys = array_keys(views_content_cache_get_plugin());
      $i = 1;
      foreach ($cache_keys as $key_id) {

        // Schema is limited to 8.
        if ($i > 8) {
        $map[$key_id] = "c{$i}";

      // If the newly generated map and the prior map do not match invalidate
      // all cache update records.
      if (empty($cache->data) || $map != $cache->data) {
        db_query("TRUNCATE {views_content_cache}");

        // This is probably too aggressive. @TODO: See if we can surgically
        // invalidate only views that use VCC.
      cache_set('views_content_cache_id_schema', $map, 'cache');
  return $map;