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Functions in Views Calc 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
template_preprocess_views_calc_table ./ Display a view as a table style.
theme_views_calc_ui_table ./ Theme the form for the table style plugin
views_calc_export_form ./views_calc.module FAPI export_form. 1
views_calc_fields_form ./views_calc.module FAPI fields_form. 2
views_calc_fields_form_submit ./views_calc.module FAPI fields_form submit.
views_calc_fields_form_validate ./views_calc.module FAPI fields_form validate.
views_calc_field_form_item ./views_calc.module A form element for an individual calculated field. 1
views_calc_help ./views_calc.module Implements hook_help().
views_calc_import_form ./views_calc.module FAPI import_form. 1
views_calc_import_form_submit ./views_calc.module FAPI import_form submit.
views_calc_install ./views_calc.install
views_calc_menu ./views_calc.module Implements hook_menu().
views_calc_perm ./views_calc.module Implements hook_perm().
views_calc_schema ./views_calc.install Implementation of hook_schema().
views_calc_settings_form ./views_calc.module FAPI settings_form. 1
views_calc_settings_form_submit ./views_calc.module FAPI settings_form submit.
views_calc_table_total ./ Build total var line. 1
views_calc_theme ./views_calc.module Implements hook_theme().
views_calc_uninstall ./views_calc.install
views_calc_update_1 ./views_calc.install Convert the queryname stored in the variable to the fullname so we can access both the fieldname and the tablename from the selections.
views_calc_update_2 ./views_calc.install Create a table to store custom views calculation fields.
views_calc_update_6000 ./views_calc.install
views_calc_views_api ./views_calc.module Implements hook_views_api().
views_calc_views_data ./ Implementation of hook_views_data().
views_calc_views_fetch_fields ./views_calc.module Wrapper function to make sure this function will always work. 1
views_calc_views_handlers ./ Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
views_calc_views_plugins ./ Implementation of hook_views_plugins
_views_calc_calc_options ./views_calc.module Column calculation alternatives. 2
_views_calc_fields ./views_calc.module Views calc fields result object. 5
_views_calc_format_options ./views_calc.module Result format options. 2
_views_calc_operators ./views_calc.module Default SQL operator alternatives. 3
_views_calc_replacements ./views_calc.module An array of allowable calculation values. 1
_views_calc_substitutions ./views_calc.module Field substitutions for calculations. 4

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