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function views_bulk_operations_cron in Views Bulk Operations (VBO) 7.3

Implements hook_cron().

Deletes queue items belonging to VBO active queues (used by VBO's batches) that are older than a day (since they can only be a result of VBO crashing or the execution being interrupted in some other way). This is the interval used to cleanup batches in system_cron(), so it can't be increased.

Note: This code is specific to SystemQueue. Other queue implementations will need to do their own garbage collection.


./views_bulk_operations.module, line 83
Allows operations to be performed on items selected in a view.


function views_bulk_operations_cron() {
    ->condition('name', db_like('views_bulk_operations_active_queue_') . '%', 'LIKE')
    ->condition('created', REQUEST_TIME - 86400, '<')