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function hook_views_atom_render in Views Atom 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 views_atom.api.php \hook_views_atom_render()

Render an entity into XML in Drupal-RDF format.

This hook allows modules to add to the XML representation of an entity.


$entity: The entity that is being rendered. In Drupal 6 this is always a node. In Drupal 7, hopefully, it could be any registered entity.

$xml: A SimpleXML object representing the output XML. It will be rendered down into a string later by views_atom.

1 function implements hook_views_atom_render()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

field_views_atom_render in ./views_atom.module
Implementation of hook_views_atom_render().
1 invocation of hook_views_atom_render()
views_plugin_row_rdf_node::render in ./
Render a row object. This usually passes through to a theme template of some form, but not always.


./views_atom.api.php, line 46


function hook_views_atom_render($entity, $xml) {