function hook_views_atom_prerender_node in Views Atom 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6 views_atom.api.php \hook_views_atom_prerender_node()
Prepare a node to be rendered into Drupal-RDF.
This hook allows modules to alter a node to add additional data before it is processed into an XML string in Drupal's custom RDF format. Modifications made to the node will not be saved (at least not by the views_atom module).
$node: The node to prepare.
1 invocation of hook_views_atom_prerender_node()
- views_plugin_row_rdf_node::render in ./ - Render a row object. This usually passes through to a theme template of some form, but not always.
- ./
views_atom.api.php, line 30
function hook_views_atom_prerender_node($node) {