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function _views_query::query in Views (for Drupal 7) 5


./, line 570




function query($getcount = false) {
  $table_data = _views_get_tables();

  // Set distinct
  if (!$this->no_distinct && $this->distinct && count($this->fields)) {
    $field = $this->fields[0];
    $this->fields[0] = "DISTINCT({$field})";
    $this->count_field = "DISTINCT({$this->count_field})";

    //this is only needed once
    $this->no_distinct = TRUE;

  // Add all the tables to the query via joins. We assume all LEFT joins.
  foreach ($this->tablequeue as $tinfo) {
    $table = $tinfo['table'];

    // The real table name may differ from what we're calling it.
    $table_real = isset($table_data[$table]['name']) ? $table_data[$table]['name'] : $table;
    $table_num = $tinfo['num'];
    $table_alias = $this
      ->get_table_name($table, $table_num, $tinfo['alias_prefix']);
    $joininfo = !$this->joins[$table][$table_num] ? $table_data[$table]['join'] : $this->joins[$table][$table_num];
    $left_table_alias = isset($joininfo['left']['alias']) ? $joininfo['left']['alias'] : $tinfo['alias_prefix'];
    $left_table_alias .= $joininfo['left']['table'];

    // the { is a special character which seems to be treated differently
    // in PHP5 than PHP4 so we do this a little oddly.
    $join_type = $joininfo['type'] == 'inner' ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT';
    $joins .= " {$join_type} JOIN {" . $table_real . "} {$table_alias} ON " . $left_table_alias . "." . $joininfo['left']['field'] . " = {$table_alias}." . $joininfo['right']['field'];
    if (isset($joininfo['extra'])) {
      foreach ($joininfo['extra'] as $field => $value) {
        $joins .= " AND {$table_alias}.{$field}";
        if (is_array($value) && count($value)) {
          $joins .= " IN ('" . implode("','", $value) . "')";
        else {
          if ($value !== NULL) {
            $joins .= " = '{$value}'";

  // If it's not a count query, add our fields
  if (!$getcount) {
    $fields = implode(', ', $this->fields);

    // we only add the groupby if we're not counting.
    if ($this->groupby) {
      $groupby = "GROUP BY " . implode(', ', $this->groupby);

    // ok, tablesort_sql is really, really (really) annoying.
    // 1) it insists on adding the ORDER BY clause.
    // 2) You're supposed to give it your stuff as $before, but
    // 3) You have to add the comma and
    // 4) if it doesn't have anything to add, it returns NOTHING.
    // 5) So I'm just going to get what it sends back and chop off
    //    the orderby, cause otherwise my code is too ugly with
    //    various checks.
    if ($this->header) {
      $result = tablesort_sql($this->header);
      if ($result) {
        $this->orderby[] = str_replace('ORDER BY ', '', $result);
    if ($this->orderby) {
      $orderby = "ORDER BY " . implode(', ', $this->orderby);
  else {
    $fields = "count({$this->count_field})";
  if ($this->where) {
    $where = "WHERE (" . implode(') AND (', $this->where) . ')';
  $query = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {" . $this->primary_table . "} {$this->primary_table} {$joins} {$where} {$groupby} {$orderby}";
  $replace = array(
    '>' => '>',
    '&lt;' => '<',
  $query = strtr($query, $replace);
  return $query;