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Functions in Views (for Drupal 7) 8.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
template_preprocess_views_ui_view_preview_section views_ui/theme/ Theme preprocess for theme_views_ui_view_preview_section().
template_preprocess_views_view theme/ Preprocess the primary theme implementation for a view.
template_preprocess_views_view_field theme/ Process a single field within a view.
template_preprocess_views_view_fields theme/ Preprocess theme function to print a single record from a row, with fields
template_preprocess_views_view_grid theme/ Display a view as a grid style.
template_preprocess_views_view_grouping theme/ Process a single grouping within a view.
template_preprocess_views_view_list theme/ Display the view as an HTML list element
template_preprocess_views_view_mapping_test tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.module Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_views_view_mapping_test().
template_preprocess_views_view_row_rss theme/ Default theme function for all RSS rows.
template_preprocess_views_view_rss theme/ Preprocess an RSS feed
template_preprocess_views_view_summary theme/ Preprocess theme function to print a single record from a row, with fields
template_preprocess_views_view_summary_unformatted theme/ Template preprocess theme function to print summary basically unformatted.
template_preprocess_views_view_table theme/ Display a view as a table style.
template_preprocess_views_view_unformatted theme/ Display the simple view of rows one after another 1
template_process_views_view theme/ Process function to render certain elements into the view.
theme_views_form_views_form theme/ Theme function for a View with form elements: replace the placeholders.
theme_views_mini_pager theme/
theme_views_ui_build_group_filter_form views_ui/theme/ Theme the build group filter form.
theme_views_ui_container views_ui/theme/ Generic <div> container function.
theme_views_ui_expose_filter_form views_ui/theme/ Theme the expose filter form.
theme_views_ui_rearrange_filter_form views_ui/theme/ Turn the rearrange form into a proper table
theme_views_ui_rearrange_form views_ui/theme/ Turn the rearrange form into a proper table
theme_views_ui_reorder_displays_form views_ui/theme/ Turn the reorder form into a proper table
theme_views_ui_style_plugin_table views_ui/theme/ Theme the form for the table style plugin
theme_views_ui_view_info views_ui/theme/ Returns basic administrative information about a view.
theme_views_ui_view_preview_section views_ui/theme/ Returns the HTML for a section of a View being previewed within the Views UI.
theme_views_view_field theme/ Display a single views field.
theme_views_view_grouping theme/ Display a single views grouping.
theme_views_view_mapping_test tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.module Returns HTML for the Mapping Test style.
translation_views_data_alter modules/ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
user_views_data modules/ Implements hook_views_data().
user_views_query_substitutions modules/ Allow replacement of current userid so we can cache these queries
views_access ./views.module Determine if the logged in user has access to a view. 2 1
views_add_block_contextual_links ./views.module Converts Views block content to a renderable array with contextual links. 1
views_add_contextual_links ./views.module Adds contextual links associated with a view display to a renderable array. 3
views_add_css ./views.module Include views .css files.
views_add_js ./views.module Include views .js files. 2
views_ajax includes/ Menu callback to load a view via AJAX. 1
views_ajax_autocomplete_taxonomy includes/ Page callback for views taxonomy autocomplete. 1
views_ajax_autocomplete_user includes/ Page callback for views user autocomplete 1
views_ajax_command_add_tab includes/ Creates a Drupal AJAX 'addTab' command.
views_ajax_command_dismiss_form includes/ Creates a Drupal AJAX 'viewsDismissForm' command. 1
views_ajax_command_hilite includes/ Creates a Drupal AJAX 'viewsHilite' command. 1
views_ajax_command_replace_title includes/ Replace the page title. 1
views_ajax_command_scroll_top includes/ Scroll to top of the current view. 1
views_ajax_command_set_form includes/ Creates a Drupal AJAX 'viewsSetForm' command. 2
views_ajax_command_show_buttons includes/ Shows Save and Cancel buttons. 1
views_ajax_command_trigger_preview includes/ Trigger the Views live preview. 1
views_ajax_error includes/ Return an AJAX error. 7
views_ajax_form_wrapper includes/ Wrapper around drupal_build_form to handle some AJAX stuff automatically. This makes some assumptions about the client. 1


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