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function theme_viewreference_display_form_title in View reference 7.3

Theme the content form display title for this view display.


$variables: An array of useful values with the keys: 'view' - The view object. 'view_name' - The name of the view. 'display_key' - The name of the display to use. 'append_id' - Boolean indicating whether to append a unique id.

Return value

The admin form title of this views display.

1 theme call to theme_viewreference_display_form_title()
_viewreference_extract_views_displays in ./viewreference.module
Get an array of views.


./viewreference.module, line 815
Defines a field type for referencing a view from a node.


function theme_viewreference_display_form_title($variables) {

  // Get variables passed to theme function.
  $display_title = $variables['view']->display_handler->options['title'];
  if (!$display_title) {

    // No title, we have to construct a title.
    $display_title = ucfirst($variables['view_name']) . ' ' . strtolower($variables['view']->display[$variables['display_key']]->display_title);
  if (isset($variables['view']->display[$variables['display_key']]->display_title)) {
    $display_title .= ' - ' . $variables['view']->display[$variables['display_key']]->display_title;
  if ($variables['append_id']) {

    // Append ID for disambiguation in forms (views displays can have the same title).
    $display_title .= ' [' . $variables['view_name'] . ':' . $variables['display_key'] . ']';
  return $display_title;