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view_modes_display.module in View Modes Display 8.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 view_modes_display.module
  2. 7 view_modes_display.module


View source

 * @file
 * Contains view_modes_display.module..
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\view_modes_display\EntityTypeInfo;

 * Implements hook_help().
function view_modes_display_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {

    // Main module help for the view_modes_display module.
    case '':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Preview view modes for every entity type') . '</p>';
      return $output;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function view_modes_display_theme() {
  $theme = [];
  return $theme;

 * Implements hook_entity_type_alter().
function view_modes_display_entity_type_alter(array &$entity_types) {
  return \Drupal::service('class_resolver')

 * Implements hook_entity_operation().
function view_modes_display_entity_operation(\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity) {
  return \Drupal::service('class_resolver')