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function videojs_preprocess_videojs_media_wysiwyg_preview in Video.js (HTML5 Video Player) 7.3

Preprocess function for videojs-media-wysiwyg-preview.tpl.php.


includes/, line 127
Theme and preprocess functions for the Video.js module.


function videojs_preprocess_videojs_media_wysiwyg_preview(&$vars) {

  // If the video has no poster image, borrow one from the media module.
  // This theme function should only be used by the media module, so assume
  // it is loaded.
  if (empty($vars['poster'])) {
    $poster = drupal_get_path('module', 'media') . '/images/icons/default/video-x-generic.png';
    $raw = file_create_url($poster);
    $vars['poster'] = array(
      'raw' => $raw,
      'safe' => check_plain($raw),