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function video_filter_codec_info in Video Filter 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 \video_filter_codec_info()
  2. 5 \video_filter_codec_info()
  3. 6.3 \video_filter_codec_info()
  4. 6 \video_filter_codec_info()
  5. 6.2 \video_filter_codec_info()

Implements hook_codec_info().


./, line 11
This file contains all codecs provided by Video Filter.


function video_filter_codec_info() {
  $codecs = array();
  $codecs['archive'] = array(
    'name' => t(''),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_archive',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_archive',
    'regexp' => '/archive\\.org\\/details\\/([\\w-_\\.]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 4 / 3,
  $codecs['bliptv'] = array(
    'name' => t(''),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_bliptv',
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
    'control_bar_height' => 30,
  $codecs['candidcareer'] = array(
    'name' => t('Candid Career'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_candidcareer',
    'regexp' => '/candidcareer\\.com\\/embed\\.php\\?vkey=([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_&;]+)shared=([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_&;]+)uid=([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_&;]+)/',
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
    'control_bar_height' => 20,
  $codecs['capped'] = array(
    'name' => t('Capped'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_capped',
    'regexp' => '/capped\\.tv\\/([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]+)/',
    'ratio' => 425 / 355,
  $codecs['collegehumor'] = array(
    'name' => t('College Humor'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_collegehumor',
    'regexp' => '/collegehumor\\.com\\/video\\:([0-9]+)/',
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
    'control_bar_height' => 0,
  $codecs['coub'] = array(
    'name' => t('Coub'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_coub',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_coub',
    'regexp' => '/coub\\.com\\/view\\/([a-z0-9]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 4 / 3,
  $codecs['dailymotion'] = array(
    'name' => t('DailyMotion'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_dailymotion',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_dailymotion_html5',
    'regexp' => '/dailymotion\\.com\\/video\\/([a-z0-9\\-_]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 4 / 3,
    'control_bar_height' => 20,
  $codecs['democracynow_fullshow'] = array(
    'name' => t('DemocracyNow Fullshow'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_democracynow_fullshow',
    'regexp' => '/democracynow\\.org\\/shows\\/([0-9]+)\\/([0-9]+)\\/([0-9]+)/',
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
    'control_bar_height' => 0,
  $codecs['democracynow_story'] = array(
    'name' => t('DemocracyNow Story'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_democracynow_story',
    'regexp' => '/democracynow\\.org\\/([0-9]+)\\/([0-9]+)\\/([0-9]+)\\/([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]+)/',
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
    'control_bar_height' => 0,
  $codecs['flickr_slideshows'] = array(
    'name' => t('Flickr Slideshows'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_flickr_slideshows',
    'regexp' => '/flickr\\.com\\/photos\\/([a-zA-Z0-9@_\\-]+)\\/sets\\/([0-9]+)\\/?[show]?\\/?/i',
    'ratio' => 4 / 3,
    'control_bar_height' => 0,
  $codecs['flickr_video'] = array(
    'name' => t('Flickr Video'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_flickr_video',
    'regexp' => '/flickr\\.com\\/photos\\/([a-zA-Z0-9@_\\-]+)\\/([0-9]+)/',
    'ratio' => 4 / 3,
    'control_bar_height' => 0,
  $codecs['foxnews'] = array(
    'name' => t('Fox News'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_foxnews',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_foxnews',
    'regexp' => '/video\\.foxnews\\.com\\/v\\/([0-9]+)\\/([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 466 / 263,
    'control_bar_height' => 0,
  $codecs['gametrailers'] = array(
    'name' => t('Game Trailers'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_gametrailers',
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
  $codecs['gamevideos'] = array(
    'name' => t('Game Videos'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_gamevideos',
    'regexp' => '/gamevideos\\.1up\\.com\\/video\\/id\\/([0-9]+)/',
    'ratio' => 500 / 319,
  $codecs['giphy'] = array(
    'name' => t('Giphy'),
    'sample_url' => '//[gif-id]',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_giphy',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_giphy',
    'regexp' => '/giphy\\.com\\/gifs\\/(([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)\\-|)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
  $codecs['godtube'] = array(
    'name' => t('GodTube'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_godtube',
    'regexp' => '/godtube\\.com\\/watch\\/\\?v=([a-z0-9\\-_]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 400 / 283,
    'control_bar_height' => 40,
  $codecs['google'] = array(
    'name' => t('Google Video'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_google',
    'regexp' => '/video\\.google\\.[a-z]+\\.?[a-z]+?\\/videoplay\\?docid=(\\-?[0-9]+)/',
    'ratio' => 400 / 326,
  $codecs['instagram'] = array(
    'name' => t('Instagram'),
    'callback' => 'video_filter_instagram',
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 612 / 710,
  $codecs['metacafe'] = array(
    'name' => t('Meta Cafe'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_metacafe',
    'regexp' => '/metacafe\\.com\\/watch\\/([a-z0-9\\-_]+)\\/([a-z0-9\\-_]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 400 / 313,
    'control_bar_height' => 32,
  $codecs['mailru'] = array(
    'name' => t('Mail.Ru'),
    'sample_url' => '//[video-id].html',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_mailru',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_mailru',
    'regexp' => '/my\\.mail\\.ru\\/v\\/(.*)\\/([0-9]+)\\.html/i',
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
    'control_bar_height' => 0,
  $codecs['myspace'] = array(
    'name' => t('MySpace'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_myspace',
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 620 / 400,
    'control_bar_height' => 40,
  $codecs['myvideo'] = array(
    'name' => t('MyVideo'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_myvideo',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_myvideo',
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 400 / 283,
  $codecs['picasa_slideshows'] = array(
    'name' => t('Picasa Slideshows'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_picasa_slideshows',
    'instructions' => t('You must use the URL of the RSS feed for the Picasa album:') . '<ol>' . '<li>' . t('View the album in Picasa (you should see thumbnails, not a slideshow).') . '</li>' . '<li>' . t('Find the "RSS" link and click it.') . '</li>' . '<li>' . t('Copy the resulting URL from the browser address bar.  Example:') . '<br />' . '<code>[video: //;kind=photo&amp;hl=en_US]</code>' . '</li>' . '</ol>',
    'regexp' => '/picasaweb\\.google\\.com\\/data\\/feed\\/base\\/user\\/([a-zA-Z0-9@_\\-\\.]+)\\/albumid\\/([a-z0-9]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 800 / 600,
  $codecs['rutube'] = array(
    'name' => t('Rutube'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_rutube',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_rutube',
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
  $codecs['slideshare'] = array(
    'name' => t('Slideshare'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_slideshare',
    'instructions' => t('You need to construct your own URL, using the "Wordpress Embed" code from Slideshare, extract the "id", and form the URL like this:'),
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 425 / 355,
  $codecs['soundcloud'] = array(
    'name' => t('SoundCloud'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_soundcloud',
    'instructions' => t(''),
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 4 / 3,
  $codecs['streamhoster'] = array(
    'name' => t('Streamhoster'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_streamhoster',
    'regexp' => '/([a-z0-9]+)\\:\\/\\/([a-z0-9\\-_]+)\\.streamhoster\\.com\\/([a-z0-9\\-_]+)\\/([a-z0-9\\-_\\.]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 480 / 360,
  $codecs['teachertube'] = array(
    'name' => t('Teachertube'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_teachertube',
    'regexp' => '/teachertube\\.com\\/viewVideo.php\\?video_id\\=([0-9]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
  $codecs['ted'] = array(
    'name' => t('TED'),
    'sample_url' => '//[story-title]',
    'instructions' => t('Click in Embed and copy the "Link to this talk" link and paste here.'),
    'callback' => 'video_filter_ted',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_ted',
    'regexp' => '/ted\\.com\\/talks\\/lang\\/([a-zA-Z]+)\\/([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]+)(\\.html)?/',
    'ratio' => 4 / 3,
  $codecs['twitch'] = array(
    'name' => t('Twitch'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_twitch',
    'regexp' => '/twitch\\.tv\\/([a-z0-9\\-_]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
  $codecs['ustream'] = array(
    'name' => t('Ustream'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_ustream',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_ustream',
    'regexp' => '/ustream\\.tv\\/recorded\\/([0-9]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
  $codecs['vbox'] = array(
    'name' => t('Vbox7'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_vbox',
    'regexp' => '/vbox7\\.com\\/play\\:([a-z0-9]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 400 / 345,
  $codecs['vimeo'] = array(
    'name' => t('Vimeo'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_vimeo',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_vimeo_html5',
    'regexp' => '/vimeo\\.com\\/([0-9]+)/',
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
    'control_bar_height' => 0,
  $codecs['vine'] = array(
    'name' => t('Vine'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_vine',
    'regexp' => '/vine\\.co\\/v\\/([0-9a-z]+)/i',
    'ratio' => 4 / 3,
  $codecs['whatchado'] = array(
    'name' => t('whatchado'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_whatchado',
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 960 / 540,
  $codecs['wistia'] = array(
    'name' => t('Wistia'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_wistia_html5',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_wistia_html5',
    'regexp' => '@https?://(.+\\.)?(wistia\\.(com|net)|wi\\.st)/((m|medias|projects)|embed/(iframe|playlists))/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)@',
  $codecs['youku'] = array(
    'name' => t('YouKu'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_youku_html5',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_youku_html5',
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
    'control_bar_height' => 50,
  $codecs['youtube'] = array(
    'name' => t('YouTube'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_youtube',
    'html5_callback' => 'video_filter_youtube_html5',
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
    'control_bar_height' => 0,
  $codecs['youtube_playlist'] = array(
    'name' => t('YouTube (Playlist)'),
    'sample_url' => '//',
    'callback' => 'video_filter_youtube_playlist_html5',
    'regexp' => array(
    'ratio' => 16 / 9,
    'control_bar_height' => 0,
  return $codecs;