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function video_embed_field_handle_youtube_thumbnail in Video Embed Field 7.2

Gets the thumbnail url for youtube videos.


string $url: The video URL.

Return value

array The video thumbnail information.

1 string reference to 'video_embed_field_handle_youtube_thumbnail'
video_embed_field_video_embed_handler_info in ./
Implements hook_video_embed_handler_info().


./, line 214
Provide some handlers for video embed field Other modules can implement the hook_video_embed_handler_info to provide more handlers.


function video_embed_field_handle_youtube_thumbnail($url) {
  $info = array();
  $id = _video_embed_field_get_youtube_id($url);

  // Playlist.
  if (stristr($id, '?list=')) {

    // Strip out all but the ID, including the PL behind the ID.
    $start = strpos($id, '?list=PL') + 8;
    $length = strpos($id, '&') - $start;
    $id = substr($id, $start, $length);
    $info['id'] = $id;

    // Playlist info is stored in XML. The thumbnail is in there.
    $xml = drupal_http_request('' . $id);
    if (!isset($xml->error)) {
      $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml->data);
      $media = $xml
      if ($media->group->thumbnail && $media->group->thumbnail[0]
        ->attributes()) {
        $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]
        $info['url'] = (string) $attrs['url'];
  elseif ($id) {
    $info['id'] = $id;
    $info['url'] = '' . $id . '/0.jpg';
  return $info;