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function _video_render_get_converted_file in Video 6.3

Get a string cointaining the command to be executed including options

1 call to _video_render_get_converted_file()
video_render_main in ./video_scheduler.php
Video Rendering Process


./video_scheduler.php, line 185
Implement video rendering scheduling. If you are not using sites/default/settings.php as your settings file, add an optional parameter for the drupal site url: "php video_scheduler.php" or "php video_scheduler.php…


function _video_render_get_converted_file(&$job) {
  $transcoder = variable_get('vid_convertor', 'ffmpeg');
  module_load_include('inc', 'video', '/plugins/' . $transcoder);
  $function = variable_get('vid_convertor', 'ffmpeg') . '_auto_convert';
  if (function_exists($function)) {

    //    $thumbs = ffmpeg_auto_thumbnail($file);
    //    watchdog('video_render', 'calling to converter API %conv', array('%conv' => $transcoder));

    //    if(! $success) {
    //       watchdog('video_render', 'error transcoding vide. existing.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    //    }
  else {

    //    drupal_set_message(t('Transcoder not configured properly'), 'error');
    print 'Transcoder not configured properly';