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9 calls to video_utility::getExtension() in Video 7.2

theme_video_flv in ./
Theme wraper on Flash play on 3rd party
theme_video_formatter_player in ./
Default video cck formatter.
theme_video_html5 in ./
Theme wrapper for HTML5
TranscoderAbstractionFactoryFfmpeg::setOutput in transcoders/
Set output file for transcoding, this would be the result file.
TranscoderAbstractionFactoryZencoder::processPostback in transcoders/
Process postback jobs
video_file_download in ./video.module
Implements hook_file_download().
video_utility::createTemporaryLocalCopy in ./
video_utility::getMimeType in ./
Video-specific replacement for file_get_mimetype()
_video_field_file_autoconversion in ./
Video file save to the video_queue table for conversions