class video_utility in Video 7.2
Helper functions for the Video module.
These functions are put in a utility class so they will only be auto-loaded when needed.
- class \video_utility
Expanded class hierarchy of video_utility
2 string references to 'video_utility'
- video_theme_registry_alter in ./
video.module - Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
- video_utility::createTempFile in ./
- ./, line 13 - This file will be used to keep all utility functions data structures.
View source
class video_utility {
* Retrieve a single entity
public static function loadEntity($type, $id) {
$entities = entity_load($type, array(
if (empty($entities)) {
return NULL;
return reset($entities);
* Clears all caches associated with a certain entity.
* @param $type
* Entity type
* @param $id
* Entity ID
public static function clearEntityCache($type, $id) {
// Clear the entity controller cache
// Clear field cache
cache_clear_all('field:' . $type . ':' . $id, 'cache_field');
// Clear page cache and block cache
cache_clear_all(NULL, NULL);
if (module_exists('entitycache')) {
// Clear entitycache cache
cache_clear_all($id, 'cache_entity_' . $type);
* Finds a stream wrapper using the output URL.
* Examples of output URLs:
* -
* output: s3://file.ext
* - http://yoursite/sites/yoursite/files/dir/file.ext
* output: public://dir/file.ext
* If no suitable stream wrapper is found, returns NULL.
* @todo optimize: find the wrapperbase -> wrapper mapping just once.
public static function urlToUri($url) {
$uri = NULL;
$mapping = self::getStreamBaseMapping();
foreach ($mapping as $wrapperscheme => $wrapperbase) {
$wrapperbaselength = drupal_strlen($wrapperbase);
if (strncmp($wrapperbase, $url, $wrapperbaselength) === 0) {
$uri = $wrapperscheme . '://' . drupal_substr($url, $wrapperbaselength);
// Remove the query part
if (($pos = strpos($uri, '?')) !== FALSE) {
$uri = substr($uri, 0, $pos);
return $uri;
private static $streamBaseMapping = NULL;
* Maintains a mapping from scheme to external URL prefix.
* @return
* Array from string to string.
private static function getStreamBaseMapping() {
if (self::$streamBaseMapping != NULL) {
return self::$streamBaseMapping;
self::$streamBaseMapping = array();
foreach (file_get_stream_wrappers() as $wrapperscheme => $wrapperinfo) {
$wrapper = file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_scheme($wrapperscheme);
$externalUrl = $wrapper
// Some stream wrappers, like the ones that derive from
// MediaReadOnlyStreamWrapper, return no default external URL. Ignore
// those, they're not useful for the Video module anyway.
if (!empty($externalUrl)) {
self::$streamBaseMapping[$wrapperscheme] = $externalUrl;
return self::$streamBaseMapping;
public static function getExtension($filename) {
return drupal_strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
public static function imageSave($resource, $path, $type) {
switch ($type) {
case 'png':
return imagepng($resource, $path);
case 'jpg':
return imagejpeg($resource, $path);
throw new Exception('Unknown type "' . $type . '"');
private static $tmpfilesdirs;
public static function createTempFile($extension = '') {
if (empty(self::$tmpfilesdirs)) {
self::$tmpfilesdirs = array();
$tmpnam = tempnam(file_directory_temp(), 'drupal-video-');
if (!empty($extension)) {
$tmpnam = $tmpnam . '.' . $extension;
self::$tmpfilesdirs[] = $tmpnam;
return $tmpnam;
public static function createTempDir() {
$dirname = self::createTempFile();
return $dirname;
public static function cleanTemporaryFilesDirs() {
if (!empty(self::$tmpfilesdirs)) {
foreach (self::$tmpfilesdirs as $tmpfiledir) {
private static $temporaryCopies;
public static function createTemporaryLocalCopy($uri) {
if (empty(self::$temporaryCopies)) {
self::$temporaryCopies = array();
elseif (isset(self::$temporaryCopies[$uri])) {
return self::$temporaryCopies[$uri];
// Try to fetch the file using http. This is much faster in the case of S3 via the Amazon S3 module
$url = file_create_url($uri);
if ($url != $uri && ($copy = self::createTemporaryLocalCopy($url))) {
self::$temporaryCopies[$uri] = $copy;
return $copy;
$copy = self::createTempFile(self::getExtension($uri));
if (copy($uri, $copy)) {
self::$temporaryCopies[$uri] = $copy;
return $copy;
return FALSE;
public static function unlink($uri) {
if (is_file($uri)) {
elseif (is_dir($uri)) {
foreach (scandir($uri) as $obj) {
if ($obj != '.' && $obj != '..') {
self::unlink($uri . '/' . $obj);
public static function objectToArray($data) {
if (is_array($data) || is_object($data)) {
$result = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$result[$key] = self::objectToArray($value);
return $result;
return $data;
public static function validateDimensionList($str) {
return preg_match('#^([1-9]\\d{0,3}x[1-9]\\d{0,3})(\\n[1-9]\\d{0,3}x[1-9]\\d{0,3})*$#', $str) > 0;
public static function getDimensions() {
$dims = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", '', variable_get('video_dimensions', self::getDefaultDimensions())));
$dims = array_filter($dims);
return array_combine($dims, $dims);
* Provide a default list of dimensions until a user saves a custom list in admin/config/media/video.
* @see
public static function getDefaultDimensions() {
return "320x180\n320x240\n384x216\n384x288\n400x225\n400x300\n432x243\n432x324\n480x200\n480x270\n480x360\n512x288\n560x315\n560x420\n640x360\n640x480\n648x486\n720x405\n720x480\n720x486\n720x540\n720x576\n768x576\n852x480\n864x486\n960x400\n960x540\n960x720\n1024x576\n1280x720\n1280x960\n1280x1080\n1440x1080\n1920x800\n1920x1080";
* Return the list of known video/audio extensions.
public static function getMediaExtensions() {
$supported_extensions = array_keys(self::getVideoExtensionPlayers());
// Add other extensions that don't get a separate player but are recognized as playable anyway.
return array_merge($supported_extensions, array(
* Return our list of video extensions and their associated player.
public static function getVideoExtensionPlayers() {
return array(
'divx' => 'video_play_divx',
'mkv' => 'video_play_divx',
'mov' => 'video_play_quicktime',
'3gp' => 'video_play_quicktime',
'3g2' => 'video_play_quicktime',
'mp4' => 'video_play_html5',
'm4v' => 'video_play_html5',
'rm' => 'video_play_realmedia',
'f4v' => 'video_play_flv',
'flv' => 'video_play_flv',
'swf' => 'video_play_flash',
'dir' => 'video_play_dcr',
'dcr' => 'video_play_dcr',
'asf' => 'video_play_windowsmedia',
'wmv' => 'video_play_windowsmedia',
'avi' => 'video_play_windowsmedia',
'mpg' => 'video_play_windowsmedia',
'mpeg' => 'video_play_windowsmedia',
'ogg' => 'video_play_html5',
'ogv' => 'video_play_html5',
'webm' => 'video_play_html5',
'mp3' => 'video_play_html5',
* Return our supported video players.
public static function getVideoPlayers() {
return array(
'video_play_html5' => t('HTML5 Player'),
'video_play_divx' => t('Divx Player'),
'video_play_quicktime' => t('Quicktime'),
'video_play_realmedia' => t('Real Media Player'),
'video_play_flv' => t('FLV Flash Players'),
'video_play_flash' => t('SWF Flash Player'),
'video_play_dcr' => t('Director/Shockwave'),
'video_play_windowsmedia' => t('Windows Media Player'),
'video_play_theora' => t('Theora Player'),
* Video-specific replacement for file_get_mimetype()
* The Drupal file_get_mimetype() function lacks support for some
* video formats.
public static function getMimeType($uri) {
$extension = self::getExtension($uri);
switch ($extension) {
// Work-around for missing WebM support in file_get_mimetype().
// See
case 'webm':
return 'video/webm';
case 'm3u8':
// Could also be application/x-mpegurl
return 'application/';
case 'ts':
// RFC3555
return 'video/MP2T';
return file_get_mimetype($uri);
* Returns the nearest even integer given an int or float.
* When equal, it will choose the highest nearest even integer.
public static function roundToEvenNumber($number) {
$remainder = fmod($number, 2);
if ($remainder == 0) {
return (int) $number;
elseif ($remainder < 1) {
return (int) ($number - $remainder);
return (int) ($number - $remainder + 2);
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
video_utility:: |
private static | property | ||
video_utility:: |
private static | property | ||
video_utility:: |
private static | property | ||
video_utility:: |
public static | function | ||
video_utility:: |
public static | function | Clears all caches associated with a certain entity. | |
video_utility:: |
public static | function | ||
video_utility:: |
public static | function | ||
video_utility:: |
public static | function | ||
video_utility:: |
public static | function | Provide a default list of dimensions until a user saves a custom list in admin/config/media/video. | |
video_utility:: |
public static | function | ||
video_utility:: |
public static | function | ||
video_utility:: |
public static | function | Return the list of known video/audio extensions. | |
video_utility:: |
public static | function | Video-specific replacement for file_get_mimetype() | |
video_utility:: |
private static | function | Maintains a mapping from scheme to external URL prefix. | |
video_utility:: |
public static | function | Return our list of video extensions and their associated player. | |
video_utility:: |
public static | function | Return our supported video players. | |
video_utility:: |
public static | function | ||
video_utility:: |
public static | function | Retrieve a single entity | |
video_utility:: |
public static | function | ||
video_utility:: |
public static | function | Returns the nearest even integer given an int or float. | |
video_utility:: |
public static | function | ||
video_utility:: |
public static | function | Finds a stream wrapper using the output URL. | |
video_utility:: |
public static | function |