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video.module in Video 6.3


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 * @file video.module

 * Implementation of hook_perm().
function video_perm() {

  //bypass conversion video

  //'override player width'
  return module_invoke_all('v_perm');

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function video_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/settings/video'] = array(
    'title' => 'Video',
    'description' => 'Configure different aspects of the video module and its plugins',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
  return $items;

 * Implementation a autothumbnail hook().
function video_auto_thumbnail() {

  //bypass conversion video

  //'override player width'
  return module_invoke_all('v_auto_thumbnail');

 * Implementation of hook_nodeapi()
function video_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser) {

  //  watchdog('video', $op . ' - called');
  //  print_r();
  //    switch ($op) {
  //      case 'load':
  //          //exit;
  //        return _video_image_load($node);
  //      case 'prepare':
  //          //exit;
  //        _video_image_prepare($node);
  //        break;
  //    }

 * Invokes hook_v_video() in every module.
 * We cannot use module_invoke() for this, because the arguments need to
 * be passed by reference.
function video_module_invoke($type, &$array) {
  foreach (module_list() as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_v_video';
    if (function_exists($function)) {
      $function($type, $array);


Namesort descending Description
video_auto_thumbnail Implementation a autothumbnail hook().
video_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
video_module_invoke Invokes hook_v_video() in every module.
video_nodeapi Implementation of hook_nodeapi()
video_perm Implementation of hook_perm().