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function _uploadfield_widget_settings_default_validate in Video 6.3

Element specific validation for uploadfield default value.

Validated in a separate function from uploadfield_field() to get access to the $form_state variable.

1 string reference to '_uploadfield_widget_settings_default_validate'
uploadfield_widget_settings_form in types/uploadfield/
Implementation of CCK's hook_widget_settings($op = 'form').


types/uploadfield/, line 109
uploadfield widget hooks and callbacks.


function _uploadfield_widget_settings_default_validate($element, &$form_state) {

  // Verify the destination exists
  $destination = file_directory_path() . '/video_thumb';
  if (!field_file_check_directory($destination, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
    form_set_error('default_video_thumb', t('The default image could not be uploaded. The destination %destination does not exist or is not writable by the server.', array(
      '%destination' => dirname($destination),
  $validators = array(
    'file_validate_is_image' => array(),

  // We save the upload here because we can't know the correct path until the file is saved.
  if (!($file = file_save_upload('default_video_thumb_upload', $validators, $destination))) {

    // No upload to save we hope... or file_save_upload() reported an error on its own.

  // Remove old image (if any) & clean up database.
  $old_default = $form_state['values']['default_video_thumb'];
  if (!empty($old_default['fid'])) {
    if (file_delete(file_create_path($old_default['filepath']))) {
      db_query('DELETE FROM {files} WHERE fid=%d', $old_default['fid']);

  // Make the file permanent and store it in the form.
  file_set_status($file, FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT);
  $file->timestamp = time();
  $form_state['values']['default_video_thumb'] = (array) $file;