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function ffmpeg_wrapper_auto_convert in Video 6.3

This runs FFmpeg based on the form data passed into it.


string $input_file: path to the file to operate on

array $params: configuration options in the format set in the ffmpeg_wrapper_configuration_form()

string $output_file_path: where to place the file, assumes same dir as $input_file. No trailing slash

object $ffmpeg_object: contains debug information that calling functions can utilize

Return value



plugins/, line 278
Provide a api for video conversion and auto thumbnailing using ffmpeg.


function ffmpeg_wrapper_auto_convert(&$job) {
  $ffmpeg_object = new stdClass();

  // check configuration are pass of then use global $conf
  if (empty($params)) {
    global $conf;
    $params = $conf;
  $input_file = $job->filepath;

  // escape file name for safety
  // first error check, make sure that we can decode this kind of file
  if (!ffmpeg_wrapper_can_decode($input_file)) {
    $message = 'FFmpeg Wrapper can not decode this file: !file';
    $variables = array(
      '!file' => l($input_file, file_create_url($input_file)),
    watchdog('video_render', $message, $variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    $ffmpeg_object->errors[] = $message;
    return false;

  // build the output file path if we don't have one. Use the output type as the extension.
  $output_file = file_create_filename(basename($input_file) . '.' . $params['ffmpeg_output_type'], $output_file_path ? $output_file_path : dirname($input_file));

  // did the admin define a specific FFmpeg comand to run?
  //  we only run what the admin specified
  if ($params['ffmpeg_video_custom']) {
    $options[] = str_replace(array(
    ), array(
    ), $params['ffmpeg_video_custom_command']);
  else {

    // build the ffmpeg command structure out
    $options = array();

    // input file
    $options[] = "-i '" . $input_file . "'";

    // build the watermark config
    if ($params['ffmpeg_video_wm']) {
      $options[] = "-vhook '" . ffmpeg_wrapper_path_to_vhook('') . " -f " . $params['ffmpeg_video_wm_file'] . "'";

    // build the audio config
    if ($params['ffmpeg_audio_advanced']) {

      // use a specifc codec?
      if ($params['ffmpeg_audio_acodec']) {
        $options[] = '-acodec ' . $params['ffmpeg_audio_acodec'];

      // use a specific sample rate?
      if ($params['ffmpeg_audio_ar']) {
        $options[] = '-ar ' . $params['ffmpeg_audio_ar'];

      // use a specific bit rate?
      if ($params['ffmpeg_audio_ab']) {
        $options[] = '-ab ' . $params['ffmpeg_audio_ab'];

    // build the video config
    if ($params['ffmpeg_video_advanced']) {

      // is codec set?
      if ($params['ffmpeg_video_vcodec']) {
        $options[] = '-vcodec ' . $params['ffmpeg_video_vcodec'];

      // is frame size set?
      if ($params['ffmpeg_video_size']) {
        $options[] = '-s ' . $params[$params['ffmpeg_video_size'] == 'other' ? 'ffmpeg_video_size_other' : 'ffmpeg_video_size'];

      // is the bit rate set?
      if ($params['ffmpeg_video_br']) {
        $options[] = '-b ' . $params['ffmpeg_video_br'];

      // is frame rate set?
      if ($params['ffmpeg_video_fps']) {
        $options[] = '-r ' . $params['ffmpeg_video_fps'];

    // implement truncating
    if ($params['ffmpeg_time_advanced']) {
      $options[] = '-t ' . $params['ffmpeg_time'];

    // add the output file
    $options[] = "'" . $output_file . "'";
  $ffmpeg_object->command = implode(" ", $options);

  // run ffmpeg with error checking
  if (!($success = ffmpeg_wrapper_run_command($ffmpeg_object->command))) {
    watchdog('video_render', 'video conversion failed. ffmpeg reported the following output: ' . $success);
    return false;

  // successful convert, make a note in the log
  $message = 'FFmpeg converted this file: @file';
  $message .= '<br />' . 'FFmpeg ran this command: <br /><pre> !command </pre>';
  $variables = array(
    '@file' => $output_file,
    '!command' => $ffmpeg_object->command,
  watchdog('video_render', $message, $variables, WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
  $ffmpeg_object->output_file = $output_file;
  if (!file_exists($output_file) || !filesize($output_file)) {
    watchdog('video_render', 'video conversion failed. ffmpeg reported the following output: ' . $command_output);

    //    _video_render_set_video_encoded_fid($job->nid, $job->vid, -1);
    //    _video_render_job_change_status($job->nid, $job->vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED);
  else {
    $file_name = basename($output_file);
    $file = new stdClass();
    $file->uid = $job->uid;
    $file->status = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT;
    $file->filename = basename($file_name);
    $file->filepath = $output_file;
    $file->filemime = file_get_mimetype($file_name);
    $file->filesize = filesize($output_file);
    $file->timestamp = time();
    $job->converted = $file;