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6 calls to PHPVideoToolkit::formatTimecode() in Video 7

PHPVideoToolkit::execute in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
* Commits all the commands and executes the ffmpeg procedure. This will also attempt to validate any outputted files in order to provide * some level of stop and check system. * * @access public *
PHPVideoToolkit::extractFrame in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
* Extracts exactly one frame * * @access public * @uses $toolkit->extractFrames *
PHPVideoToolkit::extractFrames in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
* Extracts frames from a video. * (Note; If set to 1 and the duration set by $extract_begin_timecode and $extract_end_timecode is equal to 1 you get more than one frame. * For example if you set $extract_begin_timecode='00:00:00' and…
PHPVideoToolkit::extractSegment in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
* Extracts a segment of video and/or audio * (Note; If set to 1 and the duration set by $extract_begin_timecode and $extract_end_timecode is equal to 1 you get more than one frame. * For example if you set…
PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
* Returns information about the specified file without having to use ffmpeg-php * as it consults the ffmpeg binary directly. This idea for this function has been borrowed from * a French ffmpeg class located:…
PHPVideoToolkit::timecodeToSeconds in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
* Translates a timecode to the number of seconds. * NOTE: this is now a depreciated, use formatTimecode() instead. * * @depreciated Use formatTimecode() instead. * @access public * @uses PHPVideoToolkit::formatTimecode() *