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public function PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo in Video 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php \PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()

* Returns information about the specified file without having to use ffmpeg-php * as it consults the ffmpeg binary directly. This idea for this function has been borrowed from * a French ffmpeg class located: * * @access public *


string $file The absolute path of the file that is required to be manipulated.: * @return mixed false on error encountered, true otherwise *

10 calls to PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()
PHPVideoToolkit::execute in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
* Commits all the commands and executes the ffmpeg procedure. This will also attempt to validate any outputted files in order to provide * some level of stop and check system. * * @access public *
PHPVideoToolkit::extractFrame in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
* Extracts exactly one frame * * @access public * @uses $toolkit->extractFrames *
PHPVideoToolkit::extractFrames in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
* Extracts frames from a video. * (Note; If set to 1 and the duration set by $extract_begin_timecode and $extract_end_timecode is equal to 1 you get more than one frame. * For example if you set $extract_begin_timecode='00:00:00' and…
PHPVideoToolkit::extractSegment in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
* Extracts a segment of video and/or audio * (Note; If set to 1 and the duration set by $extract_begin_timecode and $extract_end_timecode is equal to 1 you get more than one frame. * For example if you set…
PHPVideoToolkit::fileHasAudio in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
* Determines if the input media has an audio stream. * * @access public *

... See full list


libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php, line 850




public function getFileInfo($file = false) {

  // 			check to see if this is a static call
  if ($file !== false && isset($this) === false) {
    $toolkit = new PHPVideoToolkit();
    return $toolkit

  // 			if the file has not been specified check to see if an input file has been specified
  if ($file === false) {
    if (!$this->_input_file) {

      //					input file not valid
      return $this

      //<-				exits
    $file = $this->_input_file;
  $file = escapeshellarg($file);

  // 			create a hash of the filename
  $hash = md5($file);

  // 			check to see if the info has already been generated
  if (isset(self::$_file_info[$hash]) === true) {
    return self::$_file_info[$hash];

  // 			execute the ffmpeg lookup
  $buffer = self::_captureExecBuffer($this->_ffmpeg_binary . ' -i ' . $file, $this->_tmp_directory);

  // 			exec(PHPVIDEOTOOLKIT_FFMPEG_BINARY.' 2>&1', $buffer);
  $buffer = implode("\r\n", $buffer);
  $data = array();

  // 			grab the duration and bitrate data
  preg_match_all('/Duration: (.*)/', $buffer, $matches);
  if (count($matches) > 0) {
    $line = trim($matches[0][0]);

    // 				capture any data
    preg_match_all('/(Duration|start|bitrate): ([^,]*)/', $line, $matches);

    // 				setup the default data
    $data['duration'] = array(
      'timecode' => array(
        'seconds' => array(
          'exact' => -1,
          'excess' => -1,
        'rounded' => -1,

    // 				get the data
    foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $detail) {
      $value = $matches[2][$key];
      switch (strtolower($detail)) {
        case 'duration':
          $data['duration']['timecode']['rounded'] = substr($value, 0, 8);
          $data['duration']['timecode']['frames'] = array();
          $data['duration']['timecode']['frames']['exact'] = $value;
          $data['duration']['timecode']['frames']['excess'] = intval(substr($value, 9));
        case 'bitrate':
          $data['bitrate'] = strtoupper($value) === 'N/A' ? -1 : intval($value);
        case 'start':
          $data['duration']['start'] = $value;

  // 			match the video stream info
  preg_match('/Stream(.*): Video: (.*)/', $buffer, $matches);
  if (count($matches) > 0) {
    $data['video'] = array();

    // 				get the dimension parts
    preg_match('/([0-9]{1,5})x([0-9]{1,5})/', $matches[2], $dimensions_matches);

    // 				print_r($dimensions_matches);
    $dimensions_value = $dimensions_matches[0];
    $data['video']['dimensions'] = array(
      'width' => floatval($dimensions_matches[1]),
      'height' => floatval($dimensions_matches[2]),

    // 				get the timebases
    $data['video']['time_bases'] = array();
    preg_match_all('/([0-9\\.k]+) (fps|tbr|tbc|tbn)/', $matches[0], $fps_matches);
    if (count($fps_matches[0]) > 0) {
      foreach ($fps_matches[2] as $key => $abrv) {
        $data['video']['time_bases'][$abrv] = $fps_matches[1][$key];

    // 				get the video frames per second
    $fps = isset($data['video']['time_bases']['fps']) === true ? $data['video']['time_bases']['fps'] : (isset($data['video']['time_bases']['tbr']) === true ? $data['video']['time_bases']['tbr'] : false);
    if ($fps !== false) {
      $fps = floatval($fps);
      $data['duration']['timecode']['frames']['frame_rate'] = $data['video']['frame_rate'] = $fps;
      $data['duration']['timecode']['seconds']['total'] = $data['duration']['seconds'] = $this
        ->formatTimecode($data['duration']['timecode']['frames']['exact'], '%hh:%mm:%ss.%fn', '%st.%ms', $data['video']['frame_rate']);
    $fps_value = $fps_matches[0];

    // 				get the ratios
    preg_match('/\\[PAR ([0-9\\:\\.]+) DAR ([0-9\\:\\.]+)\\]/', $matches[0], $ratio_matches);
    if (count($ratio_matches)) {
      $data['video']['pixel_aspect_ratio'] = $ratio_matches[1];
      $data['video']['display_aspect_ratio'] = $ratio_matches[2];

    // 				work out the number of frames
    if (isset($data['duration']) === true && isset($data['video']) === true) {

      // 					set the total frame count for the video
      $data['video']['frame_count'] = ceil($data['duration']['seconds'] * $data['video']['frame_rate']);

      // 					set the framecode
      $data['duration']['timecode']['seconds']['excess'] = floatval($data['duration']['seconds']) - floor($data['duration']['seconds']);
      $data['duration']['timecode']['seconds']['exact'] = $this
        ->formatSeconds($data['duration']['seconds'], '%hh:%mm:%ss.%ms');
      $data['duration']['timecode']['frames']['exact'] = $this
        ->formatTimecode($data['video']['frame_count'], '%ft', '%hh:%mm:%ss.%fn', $fps);
      $data['duration']['timecode']['frames']['total'] = $data['video']['frame_count'];

    // 				formats should be anything left over, let me know if anything else exists
    $parts = explode(',', $matches[2]);
    $other_parts = array(
    $formats = array();
    foreach ($parts as $key => $part) {
      $part = trim($part);
      if (!in_array($part, $other_parts)) {
        array_push($formats, $part);
    $data['video']['pixel_format'] = $formats[1];
    $data['video']['codec'] = $formats[0];

  // 			match the audio stream info
  preg_match('/Stream(.*): Audio: (.*)/', $buffer, $matches);
  if (count($matches) > 0) {

    // 				setup audio values
    $data['audio'] = array(
      'stereo' => -1,
      'sample_rate' => -1,
      'sample_rate' => -1,
    $other_parts = array();

    // 				get the stereo value
    preg_match('/(stereo|mono)/i', $matches[0], $stereo_matches);
    if (count($stereo_matches)) {
      $data['audio']['stereo'] = $stereo_matches[0];
      array_push($other_parts, $stereo_matches[0]);

    // 				get the sample_rate
    preg_match('/([0-9]{3,6}) Hz/', $matches[0], $sample_matches);
    if (count($sample_matches)) {
      $data['audio']['sample_rate'] = count($sample_matches) ? floatval($sample_matches[1]) : -1;
      array_push($other_parts, $sample_matches[0]);

    // 				get the bit rate
    preg_match('/([0-9]{1,3}) kb\\/s/', $matches[0], $bitrate_matches);
    if (count($bitrate_matches)) {
      $data['audio']['bitrate'] = count($bitrate_matches) ? floatval($bitrate_matches[1]) : -1;
      array_push($other_parts, $bitrate_matches[0]);

    // 				formats should be anything left over, let me know if anything else exists
    $parts = explode(',', $matches[2]);
    $formats = array();
    foreach ($parts as $key => $part) {
      $part = trim($part);
      if (!in_array($part, $other_parts)) {
        array_push($formats, $part);
    $data['audio']['codec'] = $formats[0];

    // 				if no video is set then no audio frame rate is set
    if ($data['duration']['timecode']['seconds']['exact'] === -1) {
      $exact_timecode = $this
        ->formatTimecode($data['duration']['timecode']['frames']['exact'], '%hh:%mm:%ss.%fn', '%hh:%mm:%ss.%ms', 1000);
      $data['duration']['timecode']['seconds'] = array(
        'exact' => $exact_timecode,
        'excess' => intval(substr($exact_timecode, 8)),
        'total' => $this
          ->formatTimecode($data['duration']['timecode']['frames']['exact'], '%hh:%mm:%ss.%fn', '%ss.%ms', 1000),
      $data['duration']['timecode']['frames']['frame_rate'] = 1000;
      $data['duration']['seconds'] = $data['duration']['timecode']['seconds']['total'];

      //$this->formatTimecode($data['duration']['timecode']['frames']['exact'], '%hh:%mm:%ss.%fn', '%st.%ms', $data['video']['frame_rate']);

  // 			check that some data has been obtained
  if (!count($data)) {
    $data = false;
  else {
    $data['_raw_info'] = $buffer;

  // 			cache info and return
  return self::$_file_info[$hash] = $data;