22 calls to PHPVideoToolkit::_raiseError() in Video 7
- PHPVideoToolkit::addGDWatermark in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Adds a watermark to the outputted image files using the PHP GD module. * This effects only image output. * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::addVideo in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * This process will combine the original input video with the video specified by this function. * This function accepts more than one video as arguments. They will be added in order of the arguments. * ie. input_video -> video1 -> video2…
- PHPVideoToolkit::addWatermark in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Adds a watermark to the outputted files. This effects both video and image output. * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::execute in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Commits all the commands and executes the ffmpeg procedure. This will also attempt to validate any outputted files in order to provide * some level of stop and check system. * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::extractAudio in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * This is an alias for setFormat, but restricts it to audio only formats. * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::extractFrame in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Extracts exactly one frame * * @access public * @uses $toolkit->extractFrames *
- PHPVideoToolkit::extractFrames in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Extracts frames from a video. * (Note; If set to 1 and the duration set by $extract_begin_timecode and $extract_end_timecode is equal to 1 you get more than one frame. * For example if you set $extract_begin_timecode='00:00:00' and…
- PHPVideoToolkit::extractSegment in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Extracts a segment of video and/or audio * (Note; If set to 1 and the duration set by $extract_begin_timecode and $extract_end_timecode is equal to 1 you get more than one frame. * For example if you set…
- PHPVideoToolkit::fileHasAudio in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Determines if the input media has an audio stream. * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::fileHasVideo in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Determines if the input media has a video stream. * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::flvStreamSeek in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Streams a FLV file from a given point. You can control bandwidth, cache and session options. * Inspired by xmoov-php * * - @link http://xmoov.com/ * - @author Eric Lorenzo Benjamin jr * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Returns information about the specified file without having to use ffmpeg-php * as it consults the ffmpeg binary directly. This idea for this function has been borrowed from * a French ffmpeg class located:…
- PHPVideoToolkit::prepareImagesForConversionToVideo in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Compiles an array of images into a video. This sets the input file (setInputFile) so you do not need to set it. * The images should be a full absolute path to the actual image file. * NOTE 1; This copies and renames all the supplied images…
- PHPVideoToolkit::setAudioChannels in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Sets the number of audio channels * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::setAudioCodec in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Sets the audio format for audio outputs * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::setAudioSampleFrequency in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Sets the audio sample frequency for audio outputs * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::setInputFile in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Sets the input file that is going to be manipulated. * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::setOutput in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Sets the output. * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::setVideoAspectRatio in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Sets the video aspect ratio. * IMPORTANT! Setting an aspect ratio will change the width of the video output if the specified dimensions aren't already * in the correct ratio. ie, Setting the aspect ratio to RATIO_STANDARD when you set the…
- PHPVideoToolkit::setVideoCodec in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Forces the video format for video outputs to a specific codec. This should not be confused with setFormat. setVideoFormat does not generally need to * be called unless setting a specific video format for a type of media format. It gets a little…
- PHPVideoToolkit::setVideoDimensions in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Sets the video output dimensions (in pixels) * * @access public *
- PHPVideoToolkit::_postProcess in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Carries out the post processing of the files. * * @access protected *