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function _video_upload_gdata_set_include_path in Video 6.2

Set include path for Zend GData client libraries, which should be installed locally in the module directory.

1 call to _video_upload_gdata_set_include_path()
_video_apiclient_youtube_init in includes/
function to include necessary Zend Gdata libraries.


includes/, line 168
Some functions for using video hosting providers api (Youtube, Google Video, etc..) Part of this code has been inspired by the video_cck module and adapted for the video module by jyamada1


function _video_upload_gdata_set_include_path() {

  // Include path must be modified.
  static $path;
  if (!$path) {
    $path = get_include_path();
    set_include_path($path . PATH_SEPARATOR . drupal_get_path('module', 'video') . '/includes/youtube');