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function vertical_tabs_config_form_node_form_alter in Vertical Tabs Config 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 vertical_tabs_config.module \vertical_tabs_config_form_node_form_alter()

Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().

Hide vertical tabs according to configuration.


./vertical_tabs_config.module, line 16
Vertical tabs config main file.


function vertical_tabs_config_form_node_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
  $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
  $roles = $user

  // 1. Vertical tabs visibility.
  $config = vertical_tabs_config_get_config();
  $current_path = \Drupal::service('path.current')
  $path = explode('/', $current_path);
  if ($path[1] == 'node' && ($path[2] == 'add' || $path[3] == 'edit')) {

    // Maybe in $form there is the content_type like in D7.
    $content_type = str_replace('node_', '', $form_id);
    $content_type = str_replace('_edit_form', '', $content_type);
    $content_type = str_replace('_form', '', $content_type);
    if (!empty($config[$content_type])) {

      // If restricted roles array is empty restrictions apply to all roles.
      if (empty($config[$content_type]['roles']) || vertical_tabs_config_user_is_restricted_by_all_his_roles($config[$content_type]['roles'])) {
        foreach ($config[$content_type] as $vt_machine_name => $hidden) {
          if ($hidden == "1") {
      else {

        // Vertical tabs restriction for specific roles.
        foreach ($roles as $rid_user) {
          foreach ($config[$content_type]['roles'] as $rid_restricted) {
            if ($rid_user == $rid_restricted) {
              foreach ($config[$content_type] as $vt_machine_name => $hidden) {
                if ($hidden == "1") {

  // 2. Vertical tabs order.
  $order = 0;
  $vertical_tabs = vertical_tabs_config_vertical_tab_list();
  foreach ($vertical_tabs as $vt_machine_name => $vt_human_name) {

    // Important note: metatag vertical tab cannot be moved, it always appears
    // on top if its weight is changed.
    // Other vertical tabs position can't also be moved.
    $excluded = [
    if (isset($form[$vt_machine_name]) && !in_array($vt_machine_name, $excluded)) {
      $vt_weight = \Drupal::config('vertical_tabs_config.order')
        ->get('vertical_tabs_config_' . $vt_machine_name);
      $form[$vt_machine_name]['#weight'] = $vt_weight;