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function theme_vertical_tabs in Vertical Tabs 6

After build function to add vertical tabs JS and CSS to the form.

1 theme call to theme_vertical_tabs()
vertical_tabs_add_vertical_tabs in ./vertical_tabs.module
Add a vertical tab form element to a form.


./vertical_tabs.module, line 464
Provides vertical tabs capability for fieldsets in forms.


function theme_vertical_tabs($element) {
  static $added = FALSE;
  if (!$added) {
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'vertical_tabs') . '/vertical_tabs.js');
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'vertical_tabs') . '/vertical_tabs.css');
    $added = TRUE;
  return '<div class="' . $element['#attributes']['class'] . '">&nbsp;</div>';