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Files in Variable API 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt # All the dates reported here are referred to UTC. 2010-12-11 ---------- #995338 by pillarsdotnet: Fix the invalid argument error for the control structure, etc. 2010-07-07 ---------- #847620 by kiam: Arguments for db_query_range() are… name = Variable API description = Implement an API to handle persistent variables. core = 7.x files[] = vars.module files[] = tests/vars.test
vars.install vars.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Variable API module.
vars.module vars.module Implement an API to handle persistent variables.
vars.test tests/vars.test Test file for the Variable API module. tests/ name = Variable API extended test module description = Module for testing the Variable API module with SimpleTest; do not enable it. core = 7.x dependencies[] = vars files[] = vars_extended_test.install files[] = vars_extended_test.module hidden = TRUE
vars_extended_test.install tests/vars_extended_test.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Variable API extended test module.
vars_extended_test.module tests/vars_extended_test.module Module for testing the Variable API module. tests/ name = Variable API test module description = Module for testing the Variable API module with SimpleTest; do not enable it. core = 7.x dependencies[] = vars files[] = vars_test.install files[] = vars_test.module hidden = TRUE
vars_test.install tests/vars_test.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Variable API test module.
vars_test.module tests/vars_test.module Module for testing the Variable API module.

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