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varnish.module in Varnish 8

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  2. 6 varnish.module
  3. 7 varnish.module


Provide drupal hooks for integration with the Varnish control layer.


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 * @file
 * varnish.module
 * Provide drupal hooks for integration with the Varnish control layer.

// Cache-clearing behaviour. See config: varnish_cache_clear.
define('VARNISH_NO_CLEAR', 0);

// Requires Expire.module to be enabled.
// Timeout in milliseconds.

// Varnish status: up, down, or failed authentication.

// Type of ban to send to Varnish. See config: varnish_bantype.

 * Implements hook_theme().
function varnish_theme() {
  return [
    'varnish_status' => [
      'variables' => [
        'status' => [],
        'version' => 3,
      'function' => 'build_varnish_status',

 * Helper function to quickly flush all caches for the current site.
function varnish_purge_all_pages() {
  $path = base_path();
  $host = _varnish_get_host();
  varnish_purge($host, $path);

 * Helper function to purge items for a host that matches the provided pattern.
 * Take care to limit the length of $pattern to params.cli_buffer on your
 * Varnish server, otherwise Varnish will truncate the command. Use
 * varnish_purge_paths() to protect you from this, if applicable.
 * @param string $host the host to purge.
 * @param string $pattern the pattern to look for and purge.
 * @param string $operator (optional) the operator used to match the pattern
function varnish_purge($host, $pattern, $operator = '~') {
  global $base_path, $base_root;

  // Validate operator and fallback to default if not valid
  if (!in_array($operator, [
  ])) {
    $operator = '~';
  $config = \Drupal::config('varnish.settings');
  $bantype = $config

  // Modify the patterns to remove base url and base path.
  $patterns = explode('|', $pattern);
  foreach ($patterns as $num => $single_pattern) {
    if (substr($single_pattern, 1, strlen($base_path)) == $base_path) {
      $single_pattern = substr_replace($single_pattern, '', 1, strlen($base_path));
    if (substr($single_pattern, 1, strlen($base_root)) == $base_root) {
      $single_pattern = substr_replace($single_pattern, '', 1, strlen($base_root));
    $patterns[$num] = $single_pattern;
  $pattern = implode('|', $patterns);
  switch ($bantype) {
        "ban ~ {$host} && req.url {$operator} \"{$pattern}\"",
        "ban obj.http.x-host ~ {$host} && obj.http.x-url  {$operator} \"{$pattern}\"",

      // We really should NEVER get here. Log error. I can only see this
      // happening if a user switches between different versions of the
      // module where we remove a ban type.
        ->error('Varnish ban type is out of range.');

 * Helper function that wraps around varnish_purge() and compiles a regular
 * expression of all paths supplied to it. This function takes care to chunk
 * commands into no more than 7500 bytes each, to avoid hitting
 * params.cli_buffer.
 * @param string $host The host to purge.
 * @param array $paths The paths (no leading slash) to purge for this host.
function varnish_purge_paths($host, $paths) {
  $config = \Drupal::config('varnish.settings');

  // Subtract the hostname length from the global length limit.
  // Note we use strlen() because we're counting bytes, not characters.
  $length_limit = $config
    ->get('varnish_cmdlength_limit') - strlen($host);
  $base_path = base_path();
  while (!empty($paths)) {

    // Construct patterns and send them to the server when they're full.
    $purge_pattern = '^';
    while (strlen($purge_pattern) < $length_limit && !empty($paths)) {
      $purge_pattern .= $base_path . array_shift($paths) . '$|^';

    // Chop the final "|^" off the string, leaving "$".
    $purge_pattern = substr($purge_pattern, 0, -2);

    // Remove extra slashes from beginning of URL
    $purge_pattern = preg_replace('#/+#', '/', $purge_pattern);

    // Submit this purge chunk.
    varnish_purge($host, $purge_pattern);

 * Get the status (up/down) of each of the varnish servers.
 * @return An array of server statuses, keyed by varnish terminal addresses.
 * The status will be a numeric constant, either:
function varnish_get_status() {
  $config = \Drupal::config('varnish.settings');

  // use a static-cache so this can be called repeatedly without incurring
  // socket-connects for each call.
  static $results = NULL;
  if (is_null($results)) {
    $results = [];
    $status = _varnish_terminal_run([
    $terminals = explode(' ', $config
    foreach ($terminals as $terminal) {
      if ($status[$terminal] === VARNISH_SERVER_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE) {
      elseif ($status[$terminal] === FALSE) {
        $results[$terminal] = VARNISH_SERVER_STATUS_DOWN;
      else {
        $stat = $status[$terminal];
        $results[$terminal] = $stat['status']['code'] == 200 ? VARNISH_SERVER_STATUS_UP : VARNISH_SERVER_STATUS_DOWN;
  return $results;

 * theme build function for 'varnish_status'.
function build_varnish_status($variables) {
  $status = $variables['status'];
  $items = [];
  foreach ($status as $terminal => $state) {
    list($server, $port) = explode(':', $terminal);
    if ($state === VARNISH_SERVER_STATUS_UP) {
      $icon = [
        '#theme' => 'image',
        '#uri' => 'core/misc/icons/73b355/check.svg',
        '#alt' => t("Server OK: @server:@port", [
          '@server' => $server,
          '@port' => $port,
        '#title' => "{$server}:{$port}",
      $icon_markup = \Drupal::service('renderer')
      $items[] = t('@status_icon Varnish running.', [
        '@status_icon' => $icon_markup,
    else {
      $icon = [
        '#theme' => 'image',
        '#uri' => 'core/misc/icons/e32700/error.svg',
        '#alt' => t("Server down: @server:@port", [
          '@server' => $server,
          '@port' => $port,
        '#title' => "{$server}:{$port}",
      $icon_markup = \Drupal::service('renderer')

      // Present a different "Server Down" message if the error is caused by an
      // authentication failure.
        $items[] = t('@status_icon The Varnish control terminal has not authenticated at @server on port @port.', [
          '@status_icon' => $icon_markup,
          '@server' => $server,
          '@port' => $port,
      else {
        $items[] = t('@status_icon The Varnish control terminal is not responding at @server on port @port.', [
          '@status_icon' => $icon_markup,
          '@server' => $server,
          '@port' => $port,
  $list = [
    '#theme' => 'item_list',
    '#items' => $items,
  return \Drupal::service('renderer')

 * Helper function to parse the host from the global $base_url
function _varnish_get_host() {
  global $base_url;
  $parts = parse_url($base_url);
  return $parts['host'];

 * Send one or more commands to Varnish.
 * @param mixed $commands
 *   Either a single command (expressed as a string), or multiple commands
 *   (expressed as an array of strings).
 * @return array
 *   A multi-dimensional array, indexed firstly by the terminal IP address and
 *   port, then secondly by the command. The value is the response from
 *   Varnish.
function _varnish_terminal_run($commands) {
  $config = \Drupal::config('varnish.settings');

  // Convert single commands to an array so we can handle everything in the same way.
  if (!is_array($commands)) {
    $commands = [
  $ret = [];
  $terminals = explode(' ', $config

  // The variable varnish_socket_timeout defines the timeout in milliseconds.
  $timeout = $config
  $seconds = (int) ($timeout / 1000);
  $microseconds = (int) ($timeout % 1000 * 1000);
  foreach ($terminals as $terminal) {
    list($server, $port) = explode(':', $terminal);
    $client = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));
    socket_set_option($client, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, [
      'sec' => $seconds,
      'usec' => $microseconds,
    socket_set_option($client, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, [
      'sec' => $seconds,
      'usec' => $microseconds,
    if (@(!socket_connect($client, $server, $port))) {
        ->error('Unable to connect to server socket @server:@port: %error', [
        '@server' => $server,
        '@port' => $port,
        '%error' => socket_strerror(socket_last_error($client)),
      $ret[$terminal] = FALSE;

      // If a varnish server is unavailable, move on to the next in the list.
    $status = _varnish_read_socket($client);

    // Do we need to authenticate?
    if ($status['code'] == 107) {

      // Require authentication
      $secret = $config
      $challenge = substr($status['msg'], 0, 32);
      $pack = $challenge . "\n" . $secret . "\n" . $challenge . "\n";
      $key = hash('sha256', $pack);
      socket_write($client, "auth {$key}\n");
      $status = _varnish_read_socket($client);
      if ($status['code'] != 200) {
          ->error('Authentication to server failed!');

        // Mark this terminal as an authentication failure, and move on to the
        // next terminal in the list.
    foreach ($commands as $command) {
      if ($status = _varnish_execute_command($client, $command)) {
        $ret[$terminal][$command] = $status;
  return $ret;
function _varnish_execute_command($client, $command) {

  // Send command and get response.
  $result = socket_write($client, "{$command}\n");
  $status = _varnish_read_socket($client);
  if ($status['code'] != 200) {
      ->error('Received status code @code running %command. Full response text: @error', [
      '@code' => $status['code'],
      '%command' => $command,
      '@error' => $status['msg'],
    return FALSE;
  else {

    // successful connection
    return $status;

 * Low-level socket read function.
 * @params
 *   $client an initialized socket client
 *   $retty how many times to retry on "temporarily unavalble" errors
function _varnish_read_socket($client, $retry = 2) {

  // Status and length info is always 13 characters.
  $header = socket_read($client, 13, PHP_BINARY_READ);
  if ($header == FALSE) {
    $error = socket_last_error();

    // 35 = socket-unavailable, so it might be blocked from our write.
    // This is an acceptable place to retry.
    if ($error == 35 && $retry > 0) {
      return _varnish_read_socket($client, $retry - 1);
    else {
        ->error('Socket error: @error', [
        '@error' => socket_strerror($error),
      return [
        'code' => $error,
        'msg' => socket_strerror($error),
  $msg_len = (int) substr($header, 4, 6) + 1;
  $status = [
    'code' => substr($header, 0, 3),
    'msg' => socket_read($client, $msg_len, PHP_BINARY_READ),
  return $status;

 * Implements hook_help().
function varnish_help($route_name, \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {
    case '':
      $text = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/README.txt");
      if (!\Drupal::moduleHandler()
        ->moduleExists('markdown')) {
        return '<pre>' . $text . '</pre>';
      else {

        // Use the Markdown filter to render the README.
        $filter_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.filter');
        $settings = \Drupal::configFactory()
        $config = [
          'settings' => $settings,
        $filter = $filter_manager
          ->createInstance('markdown', $config);
        return $filter
          ->process($text, 'en');
  return NULL;


Namesort descending Description
build_varnish_status theme build function for 'varnish_status'.
varnish_get_status Get the status (up/down) of each of the varnish servers.
varnish_help Implements hook_help().
varnish_purge Helper function to purge items for a host that matches the provided pattern.
varnish_purge_all_pages Helper function to quickly flush all caches for the current site.
varnish_purge_paths Helper function that wraps around varnish_purge() and compiles a regular expression of all paths supplied to it. This function takes care to chunk commands into no more than 7500 bytes each, to avoid hitting params.cli_buffer.
varnish_theme Implements hook_theme().
_varnish_get_host Helper function to parse the host from the global $base_url
_varnish_read_socket Low-level socket read function.
_varnish_terminal_run Send one or more commands to Varnish.
