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function variable_realm_union_build_key in Variable 7

Constructs a combined key by concatenating given values separated by a colon. Before the key is generated, the $values array is sorted alphabetically by the array keys.


$realm: The variable realm (union).

$values: The individual realm values in form of [name => value].

2 calls to variable_realm_union_build_key()
_variable_realm_union_find_key in variable_realm_union/variable_realm_union.module
Find key for union realm based on other realm keys.
_variable_realm_union_realm_keys in variable_realm_union/
Produce keys for union realm.


variable_realm_union/variable_realm_union.module, line 46
Drupal Module - Variable Realm Union.


function variable_realm_union_build_key($realm, $values) {

  // Make sure values are in correct order

  // implode values
  return implode(':', $values);