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function variable_realm_set in Variable 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 variable_realm/variable_realm.module \variable_realm_set()

Set variable value for realm, for page request only

4 calls to variable_realm_set()
variable_realm_edit_variables_form_submit in variable_realm/
Edit variables for realm.
variable_realm_global_set in variable_realm/variable_realm.module
Switch global variable
variable_realm_variable_settings_form_submit in variable_realm/
Save realm variables and remove them from form.
variable_realm_variable_theme_form_submit in variable_realm/
Save multilingual variables and remove them from form.


variable_realm/variable_realm.module, line 283
Variable API module - Realms


function variable_realm_set($realm, $key, $name, $value, $rebuild = TRUE) {
  variable_realm($realm, $key)
    ->variable_set($name, $value);
  if ($rebuild) {
    variable_realm_rebuild($realm, $key);