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function variable_get_info in Variable 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 variable.module \variable_get_info()

Get variable information

Variable information is collected from modules and cached by language


$name: Optional variable name. Will return all if no name.

$options array: Options for variable values

  • 'langcode', Language code

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./variable.module, line 157
Variable API module


function variable_get_info($name = NULL, $options = array()) {
  $options = _variable_options($options);
  if (!$name) {
    return _variable_info('variable', NULL, $options);
  elseif ($info = _variable_info('variable', $name, $options)) {
    return $info;
  elseif ($parent = variable_parent($name)) {
    $info = variable_build(variable_get_info($parent));
    $child = $info['children'][$name];

    // Copy over some values from parent to child to add some context to it.
    $child['title'] = $info['title'] . ' [' . $child['title'] . ']';
    if (isset($info['description'])) {
      $child['description'] = $info['description'];
    return $child;
  else {
    return NULL;