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function variable_build_variable in Variable 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 \variable_build_variable()
  2. 7 \variable_build_variable()

Build single variable

Some variables may spawn into multiple ones

1 call to variable_build_variable()
variable_build_info in ./
Build variable information, which is cached by language


./, line 45
Variable API module. Extended API.


function variable_build_variable($name, $variable, $options, $defaults = array()) {

  // Set global defaults and type defaults for each variable
  $variable += $defaults;
  $variable += array(
    'group' => 'others',
    'name' => $name,
    'description' => '',
  $variable += variable_type_defaults($variable['type']);

  // Add group information
  if (($group_info = variable_group($variable['group'])) && isset($group_info['access'])) {
    $variable += array(
      'access' => $group_info['access'],
  if (isset($variable['build_callback'])) {
    $variable_build = call_user_func($variable['build_callback'], $variable, $options);
  else {
    $variable_build = array(
      $name => $variable,

  // If the variable has children, we have to build each of them too
  if (isset($variable_build[$name]) && ($children = array_diff(array_keys($variable_build), array(
  )))) {
    $variable_build[$name] += array(
      'children' => $children,
    $defaults['group'] = $variable['group'];
    $defaults['parent'] = $name;
    foreach ($children as $key) {
      $variable_build = array_merge($variable_build, variable_build_variable($key, $variable_build[$key], $options, $defaults));
  return $variable_build;