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function varbase_media_update_8707 in Varbase Media 9.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.7 varbase_media.install \varbase_media_update_8707()

Issue #3125946: Fix missing varbase media entity presave hook.

For remote videos after introduced issues on update with [entityqueue] latest release. Please run [ drupal update:entities ] after the update of entityqueue and Varbase Media.


./varbase_media.install, line 416
Contains install and update for Varbase Media module.


function varbase_media_update_8707() {

  // When the Remote Video media type is active.
  $media_bundle_ids = \Drupal::service('')
  if (isset($media_bundle_ids) && is_array($media_bundle_ids) && count($media_bundle_ids) > 0 && isset($media_bundle_ids['remote_video'])) {

    // Recall for the following update functions as they had changed
    // as hey introduced issues on update with [entityqueue] latest release
    // Issue #3115391: Create new field field_provider for remote video
    // media type.
    // Follow up on Update all remote videos, set field_provider value.
    // Follow up onUpdate all remote videos, set oembed view mode type.