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function varbase_configure_multilingual in Varbase: The Ultimate Drupal CMS Starter Kit (Bootstrap Ready) 8.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.8 varbase.profile \varbase_configure_multilingual()
  2. 8.4 varbase.profile \varbase_configure_multilingual()
  3. 8.6 varbase.profile \varbase_configure_multilingual()
  4. 8.7 varbase.profile \varbase_configure_multilingual()
  5. 9.0.x varbase.profile \varbase_configure_multilingual()

Batch job to configure multilingual components.


array $install_state: The current install state.

Return value

array The batch job definition.


./varbase.profile, line 317
Enables modules and site configuration for a Varbase site installation.


function varbase_configure_multilingual(array &$install_state) {
  $batch = array();

  // If the multiligual config checkbox were checked.
  if (isset($install_state['varbase']['enable_multilingual']) && $install_state['varbase']['enable_multilingual'] == TRUE) {

    // Install the Varbase internationalization feature module.
    $batch['operations'][] = [
      (array) 'varbase_internationalization',

    // Add all selected languages and then translatvarbase_hide_messagesion
    // will fetched for theme.
    foreach ($install_state['varbase']['multilingual_languages'] as $language_code) {
      $batch['operations'][] = [
        (array) $language_code,

    // Hide Wornings and status messages.
    $batch['operations'][] = [
      (array) TRUE,

    // Change configurations to work with enable_multilingual.
    $batch['operations'][] = [
      (array) TRUE,
  else {

    // Change configurations to work with NO multilingual.
    $batch['operations'][] = [
      (array) FALSE,

  // Fix entity updates to clear up any mismatched entity.
  $batch['operations'][] = [
    (array) TRUE,
  return $batch;