You are here in Varbase: The Ultimate Drupal CMS Starter Kit (Bootstrap Ready) 8.5

View source
  1. name: Varbase
  2. type: profile
  3. description: 'Varbase is an enhanced Drupal distribution with a lot of necessities.'
  4. core: 8.x
  5. distribution:
  6. name: Varbase
  7. install:
  8. theme: vartheme_admin
  9. version: 8.x-5.x-dev
  10. install:
  11. # core
  12. - automated_cron
  13. - block
  14. - block_content
  15. - breakpoint
  16. - ckeditor
  17. - color
  18. - config
  19. - contextual
  20. - datetime
  21. - dynamic_page_cache
  22. - big_pipe
  23. - editor
  24. - filter
  25. - entity_reference
  26. - field
  27. - field_ui
  28. - file
  29. - help
  30. - history
  31. - image
  32. - media
  33. - menu_link_content
  34. - menu_ui
  35. - node
  36. - options
  37. - page_cache
  38. - path
  39. - quickedit
  40. - responsive_image
  41. - shortcut
  42. - syslog
  43. - taxonomy
  44. - telephone
  45. - toolbar
  46. - tour
  47. - update
  48. - views
  49. - user
  50. - text
  51. - settings_tray
  52. - layout_discovery
  53. # contrib modules
  54. - entity
  55. - entity_clone
  56. - config_update
  57. - config_filter
  58. - config_ignore
  59. - ctools
  60. - ctools_block
  61. - ctools_views
  62. - token
  63. - page_manager
  64. - page_manager_ui
  65. - panels
  66. - panels_ipe
  67. - bootstrap_layouts
  68. - ds
  69. - ds_extras
  70. - views_bootstrap
  71. - field_group
  72. - smart_trim
  73. - advanced_text_formatter
  74. - block_class
  75. - menu_block
  76. - features
  77. - linkit
  78. - anchor_link
  79. - views_infinite_scroll
  80. - entityqueue
  81. - entityqueue_form_widget
  82. - embed
  83. - entity_browser
  84. - entity_browser_enhanced
  85. - dropzonejs
  86. - dropzonejs_eb_widget
  87. - entity_embed
  88. - inline_entity_form
  89. - video_embed_media
  90. - video_embed_wysiwyg
  91. - crop
  92. - focal_point
  93. - pathologic
  94. - persistent_login
  95. - captcha
  96. - recaptcha
  97. - ultimate_cron
  98. - content_lock
  99. - content_lock_timeout
  100. - node_edit_protection
  101. - rabbit_hole
  102. - rh_node
  103. - rh_taxonomy
  104. - fast404
  105. - imageapi_optimize
  106. - mailsystem
  107. - smtp
  108. - maxlength
  109. - menu_position
  110. - better_exposed_filters
  111. - autocomplete_deluxe
  112. - link_attributes
  113. - login_destination
  114. - betterlogin
  115. - ckeditor_media_embed
  116. themes:
  117. # Contrib themes.
  118. - adminimal_theme
  119. - bootstrap
  120. # Custom themes.
  121. - vartheme
  122. - vartheme_admin
  123. distribution:
  124. name: Varbase
  125. features: true
  126. interface translation project: varbase
  127. interface translation server pattern: profiles/varbase/translations/%language.po