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function varbase_ckeditor_default_linkit_profiles in Varbase: The Ultimate Drupal CMS Starter Kit (Bootstrap Ready) 7.2

Implements hook_default_linkit_profiles().


modules/features/varbase_ckeditor/, line 10


function varbase_ckeditor_default_linkit_profiles() {
  $export = array();
  $linkit_profile = new LinkitProfile();
  $linkit_profile->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default linkit_profile disabled initially */
  $linkit_profile->api_version = 1;
  $linkit_profile->name = 'ckeditor_linkit';
  $linkit_profile->admin_title = 'CKEditor Linkit';
  $linkit_profile->admin_description = '';
  $linkit_profile->profile_type = '1';
  $linkit_profile->data = array(
    'text_formats' => array(
      'visual_editor' => 'visual_editor',
      'raw_html' => 0,
      'plain_text' => 0,
    'search_plugins' => array(
      'entity:taxonomy_term' => array(
        'enabled' => 0,
        'weight' => '-10',
      'entity:node' => array(
        'enabled' => 1,
        'weight' => '-10',
      'entity:bean' => array(
        'enabled' => 0,
        'weight' => '-10',
      'entity:file' => array(
        'enabled' => 1,
        'weight' => '-10',
      'entity:user' => array(
        'enabled' => 0,
        'weight' => '-10',
    'entity:bean' => array(
      'result_description' => '',
    'entity:node' => array(
      'result_description' => '',
      'bundles' => array(
        'page' => 0,
        'webform' => 0,
      'group_by_bundle' => 1,
      'include_unpublished' => 0,
    'entity:file' => array(
      'result_description' => '',
      'bundles' => array(
        'image' => 0,
        'video' => 0,
        'audio' => 0,
        'document' => 0,
      'group_by_bundle' => 1,
      'show_scheme' => 0,
      'group_by_scheme' => 0,
      'image_extra_info' => array(
        'thumbnail' => 'thumbnail',
        'dimensions' => 'dimensions',
    'entity:taxonomy_term' => array(
      'result_description' => '',
    'entity:user' => array(
      'result_description' => '',
    'insert_plugin' => array(
      'url_method' => '1',
    'attribute_plugins' => array(
      'accesskey' => array(
        'enabled' => 0,
        'weight' => '-10',
      'target' => array(
        'enabled' => 0,
        'weight' => '-10',
      'class' => array(
        'enabled' => 0,
        'weight' => '-10',
      'rel' => array(
        'enabled' => 0,
        'weight' => '-10',
      'id' => array(
        'enabled' => 0,
        'weight' => '-10',
      'title' => array(
        'enabled' => 0,
        'weight' => '-10',
    'autocomplete' => array(
      'charLimit' => '3',
      'wait' => '350',
      'remoteTimeout' => '10000',
  $export['ckeditor_linkit'] = $linkit_profile;
  return $export;