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behat.varbase.yml in Varbase: The Ultimate Drupal CMS Starter Kit (Bootstrap Ready) 9.0.x


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  1. default:
  2. autoload:
  3. '': "%paths.base%/tests/features/bootstrap"
  4. suites:
  5. default:
  6. paths:
  7. - "%paths.base%/tests/features"
  8. contexts:
  9. - VarbaseContext:
  10. parameters:
  11. varbase_users:
  12. webmaster: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
  13. test_authenticated: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
  14. test_editor: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
  15. test_content_admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
  16. test_seo_admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
  17. test_site_admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
  18. test_super_admin: { email: '', password: 'dD.123123ddd' }
  19. - SelectorsContext:
  20. parameters:
  21. selectors:
  22. ## Add all css selectors which you will use in most features.
  23. css:
  24. breadcrumb: ".breadcrumb"
  25. breadcrumb first link: ".breadcrumb li:nth-child(1) a"
  26. image button in rich text editor body field: "#cke_edit-body-und-0-value .cke_button__image"
  27. ## Add all XPath selectors which you will use in most features.
  28. xpath:
  29. page title: '//h1[contains(@class, "page-header")'
  30. textarea for body field: '//*[@id="edit-body-und-0-value"]'
  31. rich text editor for body field: '//iframe[@title="Rich Text Editor, edit-body-und-0-value"]'
  32. HTML editor for body field: '//*[@id="edit-body-und-0-value-aced"]'
  33. ## You can add list of selectorrs which you will use in most features.
  34. # But by loading them from files.
  35. files_path: "%paths.base%/tests/selectors/"
  36. files:
  37. - "varbase/front-end-selectors.yml"
  38. - "varbase/back-end-selectors.yml"
  39. - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext
  40. - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrushContext
  41. - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MessageContext
  42. - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext
  43. - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MarkupContext
  44. formatters:
  45. pretty:
  46. html:
  47. output_path: "%paths.base%/tests/reports/"
  48. extensions:
  49. Drupal\MinkExtension:
  50. ajax_timeout: 60
  51. files_path: "%paths.base%/tests/assets/"
  52. goutte: ~
  53. selenium2:
  54. wd_host:
  55. capabilities:
  56. # browser: 'firefox'
  57. browser: 'chrome'
  58. # browser: 'phantomjs'
  59. nativeEvents: true
  60. marionette: true
  61. browserName: chrome
  62. version: "*"
  63. extra_capabilities:
  64. chromeOptions:
  65. args:
  66. - "--disable-gpu"
  67. - "--window-size=1920,1080"
  68. w3c: false
  69. chrome:
  70. switches:
  71. - "--headless"
  72. - "no-sandbox"
  73. - "--no-sandbox"
  74. - "--disable-web-security"
  75. - "--DNS-prefetch-disable"
  76. - "--whitelisted-ips"
  77. - "--start-maximized"
  78. - "--disable-translate"
  79. - "--ignore-certificate-errors"
  80. - "--test-type"
  81. - "--disable-dev-shm-usage"
  82. - "--disable-extensions"
  83. - "incognito"
  84. - "enable-precise-memory-info"
  85. - "ignore-certificate-errors"
  86. - "disable-infobars"
  87. - "js-flags=--expose-gc"
  88. - "--profile-directory=Default"
  89. - "--user-data-dir=~/.config/google-chrome"
  90. base_url: 'http://varbase.test'
  91. # browser_name: 'firefox'
  92. browser_name: 'chrome'
  93. # browser_name: 'phantomjs'
  94. javascript_session: selenium2
  95. Drupal\DrupalExtension:
  96. blackbox: ~
  97. api_driver: 'drupal'
  98. region_map:
  99. content: ".main-container"
  100. footer: "#footer"
  101. left header: "#header-left"
  102. right header: "#header-right"
  103. right sidebar: "#aside-region"
  104. field body: "#edit-body-wrapper"
  105. selectors:
  106. message_selector: '.messages'
  107. error_message_selector: '.messages.error'
  108. success_message_selector: '.messages.status'
  109. warning_message_selector: '.messages.warning'
  110. emuse\BehatHTMLFormatter\BehatHTMLFormatterExtension:
  111. name: html
  112. renderer: Twig,Behat2
  113. file_name: index
  114. print_args: false
  115. print_outp: false
  116. loop_break: false