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function uuid_book_features_export_traverse in UUID Features Integration 7

Traverse the book tree to get all nodes uuids in the book.


array $tree: A subtree of the book menu hierarchy, rooted at the current page.

Return value

array An array of book node uuids.

1 call to uuid_book_features_export_traverse()
uuid_book_features_export in includes/
Implements hook_features_export().


includes/, line 55
Features hooks for the uuid_book features component.


function uuid_book_features_export_traverse(array $tree) {
  $book_uuids = array();
  foreach ($tree as $data) {

    // Note- access checking is already performed when building the tree.
    if ($node = node_load($data['link']['nid'], FALSE)) {
      $book_uuids[] = $node->uuid;
      if ($data['below']) {
        $book_uuids = array_merge($book_uuids, uuid_book_features_export_traverse($data['below']));
  return $book_uuids;