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function uuid_uuid in Universally Unique IDentifier 6

Generate and return an Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID).

Return value

An UUID, made up of 32 hex digits and 4 hyphens.

See also

10 calls to uuid_uuid()
UUIDFunctionalityTestCase::testChangedSettingNodeUUID in ./uuid.test
Verify uuid behavior with changed settings. All settings are forced to disabled, then a node is created (with no UUID). Then settings are enabled, and the node is resaved, which should trigger UUIDs being created.
UUIDFunctionalityTestCase::testDisabledNodeUUID in ./uuid.test
Verify uuid behavior for nodes.
UUIDFunctionalityTestCase::testEnabledNodeUUID in ./uuid.test
Verify uuid behavior for nodes.
uuid_comment in ./uuid.module
Implementation of hook_comment().
uuid_nodeapi in ./uuid.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().

... See full list


./uuid.module, line 363
Main module functions for the uuid module.


function uuid_uuid() {

  // If we're not using postgres, the database will give us a UUID.
  if ($GLOBALS['db_type'] != 'pgsql') {
    return db_result(db_query('SELECT UUID()'));

  // If the function provided by the uuid pecl extension is available, use that.
  if (function_exists('uuid_create')) {
    return uuid_create(UUID_TYPE_DEFAULT);

  // Fall back to generating a Universally Unique IDentifier version 4.
  // Base on
  // The field names refer to RFC 4122 section 4.1.2.
  return sprintf('%04x%04x-%04x-%03x4-%04x-%04x%04x%04x', mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 4095), bindec(substr_replace(sprintf('%016b', mt_rand(0, 65535)), '01', 6, 2)), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535));