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function userprotect_form_user_profile_form_alter in User protect 7

Implements hook_form_user_profile_form_alter().


./userprotect.module, line 194
Main module file for the userprotect module.


function userprotect_form_user_profile_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // For each of the fields, first check if any of the user's roles are
  // protecting it, then check if the user themselves is protected from it.
  // If either is TRUE, then disable the field, and mark a fixed form value
  // so it will be properly submitted.
  $account = $form['#user'];
  $protected = array();
  if (isset($form['account']['name']) && !userprotect_check_bypass('up_name') && userprotect_get_user_protection($account, 'up_name')) {

    // If for some reason this field has no initial value, then don't protect
    // it.
    if ($account->name) {
      $form['account']['name']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
      $form['account']['name']['#value'] = $account->name;
      $protected['up_name'] = TRUE;
  if (isset($form['account']['mail']) && !userprotect_check_bypass('up_mail') && userprotect_get_user_protection($account, 'up_mail')) {

    // If for some reason this field has no initial value, then don't protect
    // it.
    if ($account->mail) {
      $form['account']['mail']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
      $form['account']['mail']['#value'] = $account->mail;
      $protected['up_mail'] = TRUE;

  // Password is an exception, as it needs no value, Just unset it, as
  // there's no need to display two empty boxes that are disabled.
  if (isset($form['account']['pass']) && !userprotect_check_bypass('up_pass') && userprotect_get_user_protection($account, 'up_pass')) {

    // Core stores pass as a required value in 'current_pass_required_values',
    // and we're removing the form element, so remove the pass value from there
    // too to prevent warnings.
    unset($form['account']['pass'], $form['account']['current_pass']);
    $form['account']['current_pass_required_values']['#value'] = array();
    $protected['up_pass'] = TRUE;
  if (isset($form['account']['status']) && !userprotect_check_bypass('up_status') && userprotect_get_user_protection($account, 'up_status')) {
    $form['account']['status']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
    $form['account']['status']['#value'] = $account->status;
    $protected['up_status'] = TRUE;

  // Special hack for RoleAssign module compatibility.
  if (isset($form['account']['roleassign_roles'])) {
    $roles = 'roleassign_roles';
  else {
    $roles = 'roles';

  // Roles is a special case, since it's a tree'd item that needs values.
  // We'll handle that in a custom validation function. Also here we slip
  // the user's account info into the form so it's available to gleen the role
  // info from.
  if (isset($form['account'][$roles]) && !userprotect_check_bypass('up_roles') && userprotect_get_user_protection($account, 'up_roles')) {
    $form['account'][$roles]['#disabled'] = TRUE;

    // Ensure an array.
    $form['account'][$roles]['#element_validate'] = isset($form['account'][$roles]['#element_validate']) ? $form['account'][$roles]['#element_validate'] : array();
    array_unshift($form['account'][$roles]['#element_validate'], 'userprotect_user_edit_fields_validate');
    $form_state['userprotect']['account'] = $account;
    $form_state['userprotect']['field'] = 'roles';
    $protected['up_roles'] = TRUE;

  // At this point, we only need the userprotect-specific validation if the
  // current user and the edited user are not the same.
  if (isset($form['actions']['cancel']) && $GLOBALS['user']->uid != $account->uid) {

    // Nothing special for cancel--just disable.
    if (!userprotect_check_bypass('up_cancel') && userprotect_get_user_protection($account, 'up_cancel')) {
      $form['actions']['cancel']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
      $protected['up_cancel'] = TRUE;
  userprotect_form_display_protections($account, $protected);