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function userpoints_nc_get_setting in User points Nodes and Comments 7

Helper function to return a setting.

If a node type is passed in, the specific setting will be used with a fallback to the global settings.


$name: Name of the setting: points, category, comment_points, comment_category.

$type: Node type, if passed in, the function looks for a node type specific setting.

Return value

The configured setting value.

11 calls to userpoints_nc_get_setting()
userpoints_nc_comment_delete in ./userpoints_nc.module
Implements hook_comment_delete().
userpoints_nc_comment_insert in ./userpoints_nc.module
Implements hook_comment_insert().
userpoints_nc_comment_presave in ./userpoints_nc.module
Implements hook_comment_insert().
userpoints_nc_form_node_type_form_alter in ./userpoints_nc.module
userpoints_nc_node_delete in ./userpoints_nc.module
Implements hook_node_delete().

... See full list


./userpoints_nc.module, line 286


function userpoints_nc_get_setting($name, $type = NULL, $default = 0) {
  if (!empty($type)) {
    return variable_get('userpoints_nc_' . $name . '_' . $type, variable_get('userpoints_nc_' . $name, $default));
  else {
    return variable_get('userpoints_nc_' . $name, $default);