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function UserpointsBaseTestCase::verifyPoints in User Points 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 tests/userpoints_api.test \UserpointsBaseTestCase::verifyPoints()

Verify the current and optionally max points in a specific category.


$uid: User uid for the user that needs to be tested.

$current: The amount of points the user is currently supposed to have.

$max: The amount of max points of the user. Only tested if not NULL.

$tid: The category that needs to be checked. Default is used is none is provided.

1 call to UserpointsBaseTestCase::verifyPoints()
UserpointsGrantPointsTestCase::testGrantPoints in ./userpoints.test
Test basic usage of the API to create and update transactions.


./userpoints.test, line 61
Contains test classes for userpoints module.


Userpoints base test class with various helper functions.


function verifyPoints($uid, $current, $max = NULL, $tid = NULL) {

  // Check if a term id is passed as a parameter.
  if (!$tid) {

    // It is not, so get the default term id.
    $tid = userpoints_get_default_tid();
  $api_current = userpoints_get_current_points($uid, $tid);
    ->assertEqual($current, $api_current, t('Current points for tid %tid are correct (expected: %expected, actual: %actual).', array(
    '%expected' => $current,
    '%actual' => $api_current,
    '%tid' => $tid,
  if ($max !== NULL) {

    // Hijack static cache, delete this item from it.
    $max_cache =& drupal_static('userpoints_get_max_points', array());
    $api_max = userpoints_get_max_points($uid, $tid);
      ->assertEqual($max, $api_max, t('Max points for tid %tid are correct (expected: %expected, actual: %actual).', array(
      '%expected' => $max,
      '%actual' => $api_max,
      '%tid' => $tid,