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function userpoints_filter_parse_input in User Points 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 userpoints.module \userpoints_filter_parse_input()

Parse input and generate an values array.


$form_state: Form state with the submitted values.

$tid: Category id to be used as a default.

Return value

Array of values to be used with userpoints_filter_form().

4 calls to userpoints_filter_parse_input()
userpoints_admin_points in ./
Provides an administrative interface for managing points.
userpoints_admin_transactions in ./
Displays a list of transactions.
userpoints_list_transactions in ./
Displays a detailed transaction report for an individual user.
userpoints_list_users in ./
Lists the users and their point totals by all or by category.


./userpoints.module, line 1391


function userpoints_filter_parse_input($form_state, $tid = NULL) {

  // Enforce tid if passed in through the URL.
  $values = isset($form_state['values']) ? $form_state['values'] : array(
    'tid' => NULL,
  if (!isset($values['tid'])) {
    if (isset($_GET['tid'])) {
      $values['tid'] = $_GET['tid'];
    elseif ($tid) {
      $values['tid'] = $tid;
  if (isset($values['tid'])) {

    // Add tid argument to GET.
    $_GET['tid'] = $values['tid'];
  return $values;