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8 calls to userpoints_admin_access() in User Points 7.2

UserpointsTransaction::getActions in ./
Returns a list of operations as links.
userpoints_access_my_points in ./userpoints.module
Checks if user can access their points - used via hook_menu().
userpoints_access_transactions in ./userpoints.module
Checks if a user has access to own or other users transactions history.
userpoints_admin_access_transaction_pending in ./userpoints.module
Access callback for approve and decline local tasks.
userpoints_admin_txn in ./
Form builder for add/edit userpoints transaction form.
userpoints_get_list_row in ./userpoints.module
userpoints_get_points_list in ./userpoints.module
Returns a render array that displays the points and action links.
userpoints_view_transaction in ./
Menu callback; display details about a specific transaction.